if you're still eating thanksgiving leftovers it won't be december yet . cranberry sauce + roasted butternut + golden carrots + avocado + romaine + spinach + pickled onions + cabbage + purple sweet potato + toum + grilled GF bread, http://ift.tt/2fTaoZI
via Our Healthly Lifestyle http://ift.tt/2fTeqB8
31 Tips to Help You Get (or Stay) Fit This Holiday Season
Don’t wait for January to get in shape. Start building muscle, burning fat, and checking off resolutions right now with this month-long guide for beating the holiday bulge and sculpting (or keeping) the body you’ve always wanted.
31 Tips to Help You Get (or Stay) Fit This Holiday Season
1.Have a Bite Before You Go Out
“One of the biggest mistakes people make is to ‘save up’ for a large holiday meal,” says Rebecca Rick, M.S., RDN, a sports dietitian at eNRG Performance in Littleton, Colorado, adding that the strategy inevitably backfires. Why? You end up over-compensating for the calories you didn’t consume earlier in the day.
A better strategy: “Eat normally, then have a small meal before you meet up with everyone,” says Brad Schoenfeld, Ph.D., author of Look Great Naked. Spanish researchers agree: In their study, people who ate a “merienda,” a small meal between lunch and dinner, were 36 percent less likely to be obese than those who didn’t consume an afternoon meal.
Go ahead and indulge your cravings. Take a break from working out. But return to your normal diet and exercise program the next morning.
A review in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that the longer it takes you to re-focus on fitness, the more your enthusiasm for it will dim, and the harder it will be for you to get back on track. In short, a day off won’t hurt you, but a week or two off can derail your progress toward your goals. It can also inflate your waist size, according to a study in the Journal of Applied Physiology. The researchers found that just two weeks of inactivity can increase belly fat by seven percent.
Not sure how to take your workout on the road? Beachbody On Demand will let you stream your workouts from anywhere you have an Internet connection!
3. Do Some Burpees
The burpee is the quintessential total-body conditioning move,” says Andy Speer, C.S.C.S., owner of Soho Strength Lab in Manhattan. “You get an upper and lower body burn, eccentric and concentric muscle stimuli, mobility work, a core stability challenge, and a cardiovascular pump — it’s like packing an entire workout into a single exercise.”
Science agrees: 30 seconds of burpees is just as effective as an all out sprint when it comes to boosting all aspects of fitness, according to a recent study at the University of Georgia.
But don’t stop there. “See how many you can do in 5 minutes,” says Speer. In each minute, work for 40 seconds, and rest for 20 seconds (exercise instructions below). “Really attack 40 second work periods, and each time you do the challenge — I recommend every week — try to do more reps,” says Speer. “Not only is this an excellent test of total body fitness, but it’s an excellent mini workout in itself.” In short, it’s the perfect do-anywhere, anytime sweat session for when friends, families, feasts, and other holiday festivities conspire to keep you from working out.
How to Do a Burpee: Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart. Lower your body and place your hands on the floor. Kick your legs back into a push-up position, perform a push-up, and then quickly reverse the move, bringing your feet back to your hands. Jump up. Begin your next rep as soon as you land. Watch 21 Day Fix creator Autumn Calabrese show you how to do a total body burpee here.
4.Grab a Friend
What do Americans look forward to most during the holidays? Spending time with friends and family, according to a recent Pew Research poll, which found that 69 percent of people put socializing at the top of their holiday wish list.
Leverage those social opportunities to stay in shape: Not only does exercising with a buddy boost motivation and exercise adherence, but it can also help you exercise 24 percent longer — especially if your partner is slightly fitter than you are, according to a recent study at Michigan State University. Can’t find a partner? Sign up for a free Team Beachbody account and get support from a Coach and thousands of Team Beachbody members!
5. Keep Calories in Perspective
“A few high-calorie meals during the holidays are not going to sabotage your fitness goals,” says Schoenfeld, adding that people get too caught up in the minutia of weight loss (e.g., how many calories they burn in a single workout, or how many they consume in a single meal).
A better strategy: Focus on how many calories you burn during the course of a week, not each day. “As long as your diet is dialed in 80 percent of the time, you can cut yourself some slack during the other 20 percent,” he says.
6. Don’t Skip Your Workouts
Skipping just one workout can initiate a downward spiral, increasing your odds of skipping another one by 61 percent, according to British researchers.
The solution: Think smaller. Instead of trying to carve out time for one long workout, do two or three short ones. “In so doing, you’ll boost motivation, eliminate ‘too busy’ as an excuse, and accelerate both muscle building and fat loss,” says Chad Waterbury M.S., a Los Angeles-based exercise physiologist. A few of the many short workouts Beachbody offers: FOCUS T25 (25 minutes per workout), 21 Day Fix, 22 Minute Hard Corps (each workout is 22 minutes long), and P90X3 (all are 30 minutes or less). All are available to stream on Beachbody On Demand.
7. Have to Eat Out? Order Your Lunch Online
If you’re a desk jockey, your best lunch option will always be the one you prepare yourself (it gives you more control over what and how much you eat). But if you have to order it, do so from your office, then walk to pick it up. You’ll eat healthier, and consume an average of 114 fewer calories, according to a recent study in the journal Appetite. The reason: Ordering remotely removes sensory cues, especially smells, like the irresistible aroma of pizza and pastries.
8. Eat an Apple Before Going to the Grocery Store
You already know the dangers of grocery shopping on an empty stomach. (And if you don’t, take a look at your receipt the next time you shop hungry.) But Cornell University scientists have added a new twist to the classic advice: Eat a piece of fruit before you hit the supermarket. In their study, people who ate an apple before they shopped bought 28 percent more produce than those who had a cookie. They also bought fewer unhealthy items overall. The reason: After eating a healthy snack, your subconscious continues to steer you in the same direction, say the researchers.
9. Do the Toddler Roll to Help Improve Your Mobility
Even if you don’t have kids, you’re bound to run into them at some point during the holidays. Watch how they move, and copy them. Why? All of that crawling, rolling, rocking, and deep squatting can dramatically boost your mobility, which is the key to unlocking greater strength, according to strength and conditioning coach Steve Maxwell. No toddler around? Do the following “toddler roll” exercise to instantly open up your chest and shoulders, and release tension throughout your body.
How to Do the Toddler Roll: Lie on your stomach with your legs straight and your arms extended above your head. Look over your right shoulder, reach back across the midline of your body with your right arm, and roll onto your back (don’t push off with your legs). Continue looking in the same direction as you reach across your body with your left arm and use your core to roll onto your stomach. Roll back to where you started, and repeat in the other direction. Continue rolling from side to side for 3 minutes. Click here for a video demonstration of the exercise (and to see how quickly the mobility benefits kick in).
10. Keep a Food Log… Yes, Even During the Holidays
It’s a pain in the butt, but it’s shockingly effective at helping people eat healthier, according to a study in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The researchers found that people who recorded everything they ate for a week lost six more pounds than people who didn’t. Don’t bother buying a notebook—smartphone apps like MyFitnessPal, Lifesum, and Eatly make recording what you eat easy. All three also sync with third party fitness trackers, helping you gain a more holistic view of your health and daily activity.
11. Do the 90/90 Hip Lift to Help Reset Your Alignment
Nearly every aspect of modern life—from society’s right-handed ergonomics to the amount of time we all spend sitting—conspires to throw-off your body’s alignment, robbing you of strength and power, and increasing your risk of injuries. But you can hit the reset button in as little as five minutes a day by grabbing a balloon and doing the following exercise (called the 90/90 Hip Lift) from Ron Hruska at the Postural Restoration Institute.
How to Do the 90/90 Hip Lift: Lie face up with your feet flat against a wall and your knees and hips bent 90 degrees. Place a 4- to 6-inch ball between your knees and extend your right arm above your head; hold a deflated balloon in your left hand by your side. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth, tilting your pelvis up so that your tail- bone rises off the floor (your lower back should remain on the ground).
Hold that pelvic position as you raise your right arm toward the ceiling. Put the balloon to your mouth with your left hand. Inhale through your nose, and then exhale into the balloon as you reach toward the ceiling with your right arm. Hold for three seconds (don’t let the air out of the balloon). Repeat the process two more times, then return to the starting position. That’s 1 round. Do 5 rounds up to three times a day.
12. Stay Away from the Buffet
It’s only natural to congregate around food. But when you plant yourself next to the buffet table or hors-d’oeuvre station, your risk of overeating skyrockets. “It’s like watching TV with a bag of chips in your lap — you keep grabbing for food regardless of whether you’re actually hungry or not,” says Susan Kleiner, Ph.D., R.D., author of The Powerfood Nutrition Plan. The fact that most holiday offerings are chock full of empty calories only makes the situation worse.
A better strategy: “Work the room instead of sampling and re-sampling every dish in the buffet,” says Kleiner. “That’s the point of going to a party anyway — to socialize.”
13. Drink Water Before a Big Meal
Much like the gas tank in your car, your stomach has sensors that alert you when it’s full. But unlike your car, you can trip those sensors with anything, including water. Use that to your advantage to promote weight loss, suggest British researchers reporting in the journal Obesity. In their study, participants who knocked back 12 ounces of H₂O prior to eating lost significantly more weight after three months than those who didn’t. If that isn’t reason enough to stay hydrated, consider this: You burn two percent fewer calories per day when you aren’t, according to another study at the University of Utah.
14. Do These Three Ab Moves for Increased Stability
A head turning six-pack isn’t the only reason to target the armada of muscles between your hips and chest. “A strong core will both allow you to transfer power more efficiently throughout your body and enhance your stability, boosting overall strength,” says Speer. Challenge and strengthen your core at the same time with this three-move circuit: Hollow rock, plank side pulse, superman.
“Do 10 reps of each exercise, moving from one to the next without rest,” says Speer. Once you finish all three exercises, begin the circuit again (no rest). “Try to do five circuits total, which will give you 50 reps for each move,” says Speer. Too easy? Double down, doing 20 reps per move per circuit. “50 total reps per move is attainable for many people,” says Speer, “but 100 is really tough, and demonstrates a high level of fitness.”
Hollow Rock: Lie face-up on the floor with your legs straight and your arms above your head. Contract your abs, lift your legs, head, and shoulder blades a few inches, and begin rocking forward and backward. Each “rock” is one rep.
Pulse side plank: Lie on your left side and prop your upper body on your left forearm. Raise your hips until your body forms a straight line from ankles to shoulders. Now lower and raise your hips. Each “pulse” equals one rep. Do 10 reps, switch sides, and repeat.
Superman: Lie facedown on the floor with your legs straight and your arms extended over your head. Squeeze your glutes, and raise your arms and legs off the floor. Pause, and then lower them. That’s one rep.
While it’s not healthy to obsess over your weight, it is healthy to track it. People who weigh themselves daily lose an average of five pounds more per year than those who don’t, according to a recent study in the Journal of Obesity. Why? Because you’re more likely to be mindful of what you eat and drink, and how much you exercise. After you step on the scale, record the result where you can’t ignore it, like your refrigerator.
16. Get Out of the House
Holiday meals are a convenient way to bring friends and family together, but don’t make eating the sole focus of family gatherings. “Plan active outings,” suggests Kleiner. “Cross country skiing, ice skating, snowshoeing, and hiking are all good options.” They’re also more fun than making small talk over eggnog. Plus, you’ll burn a few extra calories as you bond. How many? If you stick to a pace that everyone can keep, you’ll burn this many calories on average:
Watching action movies or television shows can cause you to eat 65 percent more calories than watching an episode of Charlie Rose, according to a study by Cornell University researchers. But it doesn’t have to — instead of kicking back with a bowl of Funyuns, fill it with carrots, broccoli florets, or other high-fiber, nutrient-dense snacks.
Your goal: To use the distracting, adrenaline-packed on-screen action to eat good-for-you foods you might otherwise avoid.
18. Bet On Yourself for Extra Motivation to Stick to Your Goals
Having trouble sticking to your training program? Put your money where your motivation is. In a recent Mayo Clinic study, people who received $20 every time they achieved their monthly weight-loss goal — or lost $20 if they didn’t — dropped nearly seven more pounds than those with no money at stake. Both dietbet.com and Gympact (for iPhone and Android) can help you pad your pocket by wagering with others on your goals.
Join the Year-End Resolution to stay on track or the upcoming Health Bet and have a chance to win a share of the $2 million dollar pot!
19. Take a Deep Breath
Long lines, gift shopping, traffic congestion, air travel, annoying relatives — the holidays offer plenty to stress about, and 90 percent of people do over at least one aspect of them, according to a survey by the Consumer Reports National Research Center. All of that stress doesn’t just sabotage your peace of mind; it can add inches to your waist.
What’s more, it can impair recovery and muscle function for up to 96 hours after a tough workout, according to a study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. The good news: You can reverse the damage in just 10 minutes a day by sitting quietly and focusing on your breathing. Practiced consistently, such mindful meditation can reduce psychological stress by up to 44 percent, according to a study by West Virginia University researchers.
Your imagination can be a powerful thing, especially when it comes to boosting strength and packing on lean mass. Use these mental tricks maximize your gains from three classic moves.
Squat: Imagine you’re standing on a paper towel, and try to pull it apart with your feet (drive them into the floor while pressing outward) as you squat. In so doing, you’ll increase muscle fiber activation in your glutes, boosting power, strength, and stability. That, in turn, will reduce your risk of injury and help you lift heavier loads. Watch Autumn Calabrese show you how to do the perfect squat.
Push-up: Imagine someone is going to punch you in the gut, and brace your core accordingly. Why? Keeping your abs in a fixed, contracted position increases their time under tension, resulting in a greater muscle-building stimulus. It also boosts stability, easing the pressure on your spine and helping you generate more strength and power. Perfect your push-up with this technique.
Pull-up: Imagine that you’re pulling the bar to your chest, rather than your chest to the bar. This seemingly minor shift in perspective will dramatically increase muscle fiber activation in your lats and core, helping you become stronger, faster. Here’s how to get better at pull-ups… or reach that goal of doing one!
20. Don’t Skip Breakfast
Breakfast sets the nutritional tone for the rest of the day, and you don’t want send your body into survival mode by prolonging your overnight fast. Bonus points if you swap your bagel for eggs and your venti latte for a short black. Doing the former can help shrink your waist by 34 percent and your body fat by 16 percent, according to a study in the International Journal of Obesity.
The reason: You’ll consume fewer calories in subsequent meals. Doing the latter can save you 188 calories a day. And let’s be honest, it’s the caffeine you love anyway. Feel like you never have time to make breakfast? Try one of these 20 make-ahead breakfasts that let you just grab and go.
22. Sign Up for a Race Happening in January
Not only does it give you a clear deadline and your workouts a greater purpose, but it can also boost your motivation on a more fundamental level. People who focus on their performance (e.g., achieving a new personal record in a 10K) are more satisfied with their training and more likely to achieve their goals than those who get caught up in the outcome of an activity (e.g., weight loss), according to a study in The Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology. Satisfaction is the cornerstone of motivation.
23. Drink a Glass of Water Between Drinks
By alternating cocktails with water, “you’ll literally cut your calories in half,” says Kleiner. “Better still, you’ll pay less of a price the next morning.” Be especially wary of liquid calories in traditional drinks like eggnog, hot toddy, and punches. “You’re not going to feel full from them, so you can pack on a lot of extra calories and not even realize it,” says Jamie Cooper, Ph.D., an associate professor of food and nutrition at the University of Georgia.
His advice: During the rounds where you do have an adult beverage, stick to low-calorie drinks such as light beer and vodka soda.
24. Get a Massage (or Foam Roll It Out)
When you finish a workout, hit the showers, then hop on a massage table. As little as 10 minutes of myofascial release (AKA massage) at the hands of a trained masseuse can ease muscle soreness and speed recovery, report Canadian researchers. Don’t have the time or desire to hire a professional?
Grab a foam roller and hit the floor. Just two minutes of rolling your quads can increase the range range-of-motion in your knees by 13 percent, another Canadian study found. And those benefits likely translate to other joints as well. Why should you care? Because the stronger you are through a complete range of motion, the more that strength translates beyond the gym to the real world. Start with your calves and work your way up your body, giving each muscle group at least three or four rolls.
25. Try the No-Hands Get Up
Sit cross-legged on the floor. Without worrying about the speed of your movement, stand up with as little assistance from your hands as possible. It may sound mundane (perhaps even easy), but give it ago anyway. Why? Because it’s a powerful indicator of not only strength, mobility, flexibility, and coordination, but also longevity and mortality, according to Brazilian researchers. In their study, participants who needed the most assistance to rise to the occasion had a significantly increased risk of death within six years. Didn’t pass? Don’t sweat it. Just add the Toddler Roll (#9 above) to your weekly routine to boost mobility throughout your body.
26. Run for 15 Minutes
Not only will you burn approximately 125 calories, but according to Canadian scientists, you’ll also slash stress, and as a result, curb sugar cravings. In their study, the researchers found that people who engaged in stress-busting exercise — like running on a treadmill — for 15 minutes reduced their craving for sweet, high calorie snacks by 23 percent. Those who stayed still saw no change. The reason: Stress busting exercise may reduce your need for a short-lived sugar boost.
When it comes to controlling portions, many fitness and nutrition experts recommend using smaller plates. “But what often ends up happening is that people go back for seconds, thirds, and fourths instead of just loading up once,” says Schoenfeld. His advice: Stop downsizing your dinnerware, and start paying more attention to how you load it. “Put leafy vegetables on your plate first, then protein,” says Schoenfeld. “That way, you’ll be sure to have room for them.” Marshmallow-topped sweet potatoes and gravy-smothered stuffing comes last.
28. Have Only a Couple of Drinks
Have a couple of drinks, then cut yourself off. Not only will doing so help you avoid regrets the next morning, but it will also help you avoid bad decisions on every level, including food. In addition to impairing judgment, alcohol makes food smell better, leading to increased consumption, according to a recent study at Indiana University. The potential damage: 433 extra calories per meal, according to another study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
29. Foam Roll During Your Downtime
Foam rolling before and after a workout is a smart way to reduce muscle soreness, boost blood flow, ease tightness, and accelerate recovery. But to see significant improvements in mobility, you also have to foam roll on the days you don’t train, report scientists at the University of Oregon. In short, use downtime to your advantage. Instead of just planting yourself on the couch in front of the TV, roll each of your major muscle groups (calves, hamstrings, thighs, quads, butt, lower and upper back, shoulders, and chest) for a few minutes.
30. Tighten Your Core With the Plank
Isometric exercises (like the plank) are the most effective way to train your core, according to a recent study by scientists at the University of Waterloo. Why? Because not only does holding a rigid position extend your muscle’s time under tension (a key growth trigger) but it also reinforces your core’s primary job: Stabilizing your spine.
How to Do a Plank: Assume a push-up position, but with your elbows bent and your weight on your forearms. Hold for as long as you can with your abs braced, your glutes clenched, and your body straight and rigid from head to heels. Hold for 30 to 90 seconds. Rest for one minute, then repeat. Check out the how to do a plank video here!
31. Really Think About Those Resolutions
The scope of your New Year’s resolutions is just as important as the resolutions themselves. Sure, you want to lose weight and build strength, but do your resolutions line up with where you want to be in 10 years? Research published in Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine suggests that we’re more likely to meet our short-term goals if they align with our broader life goals.
One explanation has to do with what researchers call “self-determination theory”—we’re more likely to change our behavior to reach goals that are intrinsically motivated. Put another way, “you’re more likely to stick to a weight loss goal if you’re motivated by feeling healthier than fitting in a smaller clothing size,” says study author Brie Turner-McGrievy, Ph.D., M.S., R.D., an assistant professor of health promotion, education, and behavior at the University of South Carolina.
from The Beachbody Blog http://ift.tt/2g8Z9tU
Get Paid to Get Healthy with the Beachbody Health Bet
Hoping to reach your health and fitness goals and finally make your New Year’s resolutions a reality? Then check out the Beachbody Health Bet!
Three out of four participants reported they met their health and fitness goals in the Beachbody Health Bet in September.
And it’s back this January!
Beachbody is betting $2 million dollars that you’ll fall in love with getting healthy, and you can automatically qualify to split a piece of the prize!
All you have to do is participate in a Challenge Group on the My Challenge Tracker App, and meet the in-app weekly tracking requirements each week during the Beachbody Health Bet Contest from January 9—February 5, 2017.
Eligible Coaches and customers who meet the below requirements will win an equal share of the guaranteed prize pool of $2 million!
Here’s exactly what you need to do to qualify:
1. JOIN: Talk to your Team Beachbody Coach to get an invitation to join a Challenge Group. (Here’s how to find your Coach.) You must be an active participant in a Challenge Group on the My Challenge Tracker app by the week 1 deadline of January 15th at 11:59 p.m. PT. You can download the My Challenge Tracker App here.
2. TRACK YOUR PROGRESS: Use the app to log at least five Shakeology drinks with photos and three workouts during all four qualification weeks.
3. QUALIFY: Log your Shakeology drinks and workouts by 11:59 p.m. PT on the last day of each contest week:
Week 1: January 9—January 15
Week 2: January 16—January 22
Week 3: January 23—January 29
Week 4: January 30—February 5
4. CASH IN: Meet all the requirements and you’ll automatically win an equal share of the prize pool!
As an extra incentive, Beachbody will add $5 to the initial $1 million prize for every Challenge Pack sold on TeamBeachbody.com from October 31—December 31, 2016, with a guaranteed prize pool of at least $2 million, up to $3 Million total. Click here to view details and official contest rules. There’s never been a better time to get healthy and fit!
Void where prohibited. Open to legal residents of the United States and Canada (excluding Quebec) who are 18 years or the age of majority or older at the start of the contest. Contest begins 12:00:00 AM PT on 1/9/17 and ends 11:59:59 PM PT on 2/5/17. Limit 1 entry per person. To enter, contestants must have a Team Beachbody account, the My Challenge Tracker app, and Shakeology. For complete rules and eligibility requirements, see here. Sponsored by Beachbody, LLC.
from The Beachbody Blog http://ift.tt/2gMdIU9
Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies
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via Our Healthly Lifestyle http://ift.tt/2gH7mca
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via Our Healthly Lifestyle http://ift.tt/2fS2eR3
How to Do the T Push-Up
Chances are that if you belong to a gym and lift weights, the push-up isn’t part of your routine. It’s a bodyweight move, after all, and thus inferior to loaded exercises, like the bench press, for building strength, right? Not necessarily, according to Danish researchers. In a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, they found that both the bench press and the push-up produce similar levels of muscle activation—and lead to similar gains in upper body strength—when performed at the same intensity (in the study, a six repetition maximum).
That’s reason enough to add the push-up back to your list of go-to exercises, and if you do the variation on this page, you’ll double down on its potential benefits. In addition to hammering your chest and triceps, the T push-up strengthens your shoulders and helps build rotational power in your core. Ready to give it a try? Follow along with Jabari in the video below as he demonstrates perfect form.
Get in a push-up position with your feet hip-width apart, your body straight from head to heels, and your hands in line with (but slightly wider than) your shoulders. Keeping your elbows tucked, lower your chest to within a few inches of the floor. Pause, and then push back up, rotating up to your left and pivoting onto the sides of your feet as you raise your left arm straight towards the ceiling (your body should form a sideways “T”). Return to the starting position and repeat, this time rotating up to your right. Continue alternating sides.
Make it easier: Elevate your hands on a box or bench.
Make it harder: Perform the move while gripping a dumbbell in each hand.
Bonus tip: When you set up in the starting position (i.e., the top of the push-up), brace your core and clench your glutes, and hold them that way for the duration of the set. That will help prevent your hips from sagging—one of the most common mistakes people make when performing the push-up. When your hips sag, your back hyperextends, increasing the stress on your spine and your risk of back pain.
from The Beachbody Blog http://ift.tt/2gGA7ps
8 Reasons Why Staying Fit During the Holiday Season Is Crazy Hard
‘Tis the season to struggle with your fitness goals. While living a healthy lifestyle shouldn’t be a seasonal thing, I can’t help but have a harder time finding the same motivation I did during the spring and summer. As the leaves start to change colors, so does your level of motivation.
This is a reminder that you’re not alone in the holiday season struggle. We all try to dodge our ways through calorie-filled holiday parties and convince ourselves that leaving our heated beds to work out when it’s still dark outside is a good idea. Here are all of the things we both love and hate about the holidays that can threaten to through a monkey wrench into our exercise and healthy eating routines.
8 Ways the Holidays Conspire to Wreck Our Fitness
1. Three words: holiday-spiced lattes
From the infamous pumpkin spiced latte to the gingerbread latte or the unbeatable flavor of the salted carmel latte, you can easily try a new flavored latte every month… maybe more like every week. And what better way to keep yourself warm than with a calorie-packed sugary drink? But seriously, let’s save our calories for something a little more satisfying and nutrient-dense. I know I like to save my treat drink for wine, and sip homemade coffee drinks such as this 119 calorie Pumpkin Spice Latte or this delicious Tahini Hot Cocoa that’s heavy on the flavor and light on the excess calories and sugar.
2. Baggy sweaters and long pants make it super easy to hide everything
Who needs to work out when your outfit covers EVERYTHING? I love this season because it’s totally acceptable to wear sweatshirts twice your size, and baggy sweatpants are back in style. Even my socks are wearing socks. Comfy clothes season is enough to make me want to do a little dance.
3. The absurd amount of holiday parties
When your office has a party, your boss has a party, your best friend has a party, and your uncle Larry has a party, it’s hard to find a way out of the calorie-packed buffets and never-ending dessert bars. Seriously, how many chocolate chip and gingerbread cookies can one table fit?! You thought I had willpower; wait ‘till you see me dive head first into a buffet feast. If there is one lesson I’ve learned during the holiday season, it’s don’t go to a party starving or you may leave with 10 pounds of casserole, bread, and every dessert you could possibly imagine in your belly.
4. Did someone say holiday cocktail?
From candy corn cosmos to spiked apple cider, the drink specials become even more elaborate as the season progresses. While we may be way past the days of jello shots, adding a little flavor to my vodka drink is something I still enjoy. Doesn’t a hot chocolate with peppermint schnapps sound freaking delicious?
5. Cold weather makes it hard to do things outside
Remember those days when it seemed like a good idea to go outside for a quick run? Well, those days are over for a while. The thought of having to hop in your freezing car to go to the gym seems like something out of an awful nightmare. Good thing Beachbody on Demand lets you stream workouts from your laptop or mobile device. Literally all I have to do is roll out of bed and pop my favorite trainer up on my computer to get motivated and moving. When Shaun T. starts yelling at me through the screen to dig deeper, you know I’m listening.
6. It’s no longer bikini season, so really, who’s going to see my abs?
Zero pool parties and outdoor events means I don’t have to skip the dessert bar anymore, right? Abs are made in the gym and revealed in the kitchen… but why bother when no one can see my six-pack under my sweater vest? But, really. Working out and eating right is about much more than just physical appearance. The use of baggy clothes is just an excuse (dang it).
7. As the weather gets colder, you crave heartier foods
I mean chicken noodle soup… duh! With the invention of heaters and insulated clothing, it’s no longer necessary for us to pack on a couple layers of fat to stay warm during winter. Still, our brains haven’t really caught up to the fact that we don’t need that extra loaf of bread with our delicious soup.
Good thing we can make our own yummy soups at home like this Spicy Butternut Squash Soup and enjoy it with a piece of ezekiel toast or Cauliflower Bread instead of processed sliced bread.
8. It’s hard to say no to a home-cooked family meal
Are you really going to reject grandma’s homemade meatballs and pasta? Heck no! Then your Aunt Suzy wants you to try the new casserole dish she made… gosh darn it. With all the family and travel time, your ability to control what you eat goes out the window. Good thing for my go-tos, such as Shakeology, that keep me in check even during the holiday season. I always try to make a healthy dish, too, so I can sneak my way out of some of those calorie-packed foods. Here are some of my faves:
Tell us about your life before you started the program. How did you feel about yourself and your body?
I felt tired and sluggish most of the time. With over 25 years of careless eating habits and only sporadic exercise, I watched and felt my strength deteriorate. Routine tasks were becoming increasingly more difficult. I was a bit self-conscious about wearing a swimsuit at a pool or beach. Whenever I caught a glimpse of myself shirtless, I could only shake my head in disappointment at what had become of my once athletic body.
What inspired you to change your life and begin your transformation journey?
Although considering the aforementioned unacceptable and getting a doctor’s warning about high LDL cholesterol levels, I kept putting off doing anything about it for another week, another month, another year. What finally pushed me into taking action were the results of a medical screening earlier this year indicating a mild/moderate plaque build-up in my carotid arteries.3 I’d been working toward a retirement I may not live to see. It had to be now — or never.
What is the greatest challenge you faced before beginning the program? How did the program and Beachbody help you overcome that challenge?
Not knowing how to proceed. I had no organized plan for exercise and nutrition. Then I happened to see an infomercial for Body Beast, and it looked like something I’d be interested in, though I was concerned I might be too old for it. Several things were mentioned that resonated with me. “Any age,” and, “We’ll tell you what to eat, and when to eat it.” The information on applied nutrition was the missing piece for me, and by itself is more than worth the price of the program.
What in particular did you like about the program you chose?
The combination of weights and cardio. Sagi is challenging, motivational, and inspirational. From the proper nutrition plan, to the dynamic set training, to the crunching guitar and bass riffs that set the tone, this is a professional program that appeals to me in every way. I can’t get enough of it!
Describe the results you achieved with your Beachbody program. Which achievements are you proud of?
I made it through the entire program without missing a single killer workout, and hit it with everything I’ve got. I followed the nutrition plan without cheating — no alcohol, pasta, or chocolate (other than chocolate Shakeology). By the end of Week 4, I was down to my previous best Army weight and thought it might end there. Never in my wildest imagination would I have believed that by Day 90, I’d be at a weight I hadn’t seen since I was an athlete at 15! I wanted my youth and strength back, and I was getting them in spades! I lost 30 pounds and nearly 7 inches off my waistline.
How has your life changed since completing your Beachbody program?
I work out, drink Shakeology daily, and eat healthy, planned meals in proper portions. My attitude and outlook are much more positive as strength and mental focus have returned. I’m so excited about the possibilities that I became a Coach so I can help others achieve their fitness goals. I want others to experience this same overwhelming sense of physical and mental well-being that comes after every intense workout, and see — and feel — the results for themselves.
How did participating in a Challenge Group help you reach your goals? How did your group support you and keep you accountable?
I did not join a Challenge Group, as I was determined from the start to complete this program if it’s the last thing I ever do.
How did your Team Beachbody Coach support you on your journey?
Eileen Tessalone is a wonderful, positive, and uplifting Coach who provided guidance and enthusiastic support through this crucial first leg of my fitness journey. The most important thing she did was remind me at the start not to neglect the nutrition plan, after I’d told her my intention to jump into the exercises as soon as the package arrived. This caused me to study it in detail, and I realized how unprepared I was to begin. I delayed the start date four days until I had a thorough understanding of the meal plan and everything prepared. This proved critical in achieving results. I voluntarily sent her progress updates at the end of each week, and when I had questions or doubts, she made me feel like I can accomplish anything!
How did a Beachbody supplement, nutritional product, or program (such as Shakeology or Beachbody Ultimate Reset) support your transformation? What are the greatest benefits you gained? Did you see benefits to your energy, sleep, mood/mental clarity, or digestion/regularity?
I was a massive chocoholic, and the chocolate Shakeology made my cravings virtually disappear overnight.2 It tastes great, and I always feel better immediately after drinking it. Now I won’t go a day without it. When I come in exhausted after a 10-hour workday, Energy & Endurance formula picks me up and helps me get my mind right for an intense workout. Performance Hydrate seems to help me squeeze out extra reps during my workout. Post-workout, I reward my body with Hardcore Base Shake, Fuel Shot, and MAX Creatine, followed by Performance Recover. All of these taste great to me, and I can feel them adding fuel and nutrients to my body.2
You can change your life, too. Take the Beachbody Challenge for the tools you need to Decide, Commit, and Succeed! Complete any Beachbody program, and enter your results for a free gift and a chance to win cash and prizes. What program are you committing to next?
†Results vary depending on starting point and effort. 3Always consult with your physician about your unique medical needs before starting any fitness program or nutrition product. 2These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
from The Beachbody Blog http://ift.tt/2gItWO2
ramen! . with much mushrooms oooh mami fav fried doob cubes broccolini ginger up the yin yang crispy shallots ., http://ift.tt/2gEeohZ
via Our Healthly Lifestyle http://ift.tt/2gEnrPF
5 Foods To Help Boost Your Memory
Ever walk into a room and forget why you’re there? Or have trouble keeping track of your keys? Don’t worry, you’re not losing it. Such memory fails are usually nothing more than the result of the multiple and endless distractions in our lives.
Thankfully research is honing in on the best way to eat to fuel the brain and keep memory strong. One smart strategy: adopting the so-called MIND diet. A hybrid of the healthful Mediterranean diet and the DASH diet, the MIND diet emphasizes vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans, whole grains, fish, poultry, olive oil, and wine. A 2015 study from Rush University Medical Center in Chicago showed that people who strictly adhered to the MIND diet significantly slowed the decline of their cognitive abilities, including their memory—the equivalent of being more than seven years younger in age compared to those who didn’t eat so well.
5 Foods That May Help Keep Your Memory Sharp:
1. Leafy greens
Kale, spinach and other leafy green vegetables have many health benefits. Research from Rush University shows that greens may also help delay or reduce cognitive decline and memory loss. “People who consumed one to two servings of green leafy vegetables per day had slower cognitive decline that was the equivalent of being 11 years younger in age (compared to those who didn’t),” says lead study author Martha C. Morris, Ph.D. These findings held true even after accounting for factors like education, exercise, and smoking history.
2. Walnuts
Recent research from the UCLA School of Medicine showed that eating 13 grams of walnuts a day helped people do better on brain function tests, including tests of memory. “We saw an effect in people who ate just a handful of walnuts per day,” says lead study author researcher Lenore Arab, Ph.D., a professor of epidemiology at the school. Scientists aren’t sure what magic ingredient is responsible for the perk. But it could be walnuts’ high antioxidant content, vitamins and minerals, or healthful alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a plant-based omega-3 fat. “For now we just know that walnut eaters in the U.S. population perform better on tests of cognitive function than non-walnut eaters,” she says.
This healthy brewed beverage may have a new job: memory aid. Researchers at the University of Basel in Switzerland tested its effects by comparing a group of people who drank a beverage made of green tea extract with a group who drank a soft drink without the extract. The participants drank their beverages while undergoing MRI scans and then took tests to measure their short-term memory. The results: Green tea drinkers not only performed better on their tests but their MRIs showed greater connectivity between regions of the brain involved with memory processing. Scientists speculate that a compound called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), which acts like an antioxidant in the brain, may be behind the brain boost.
4. Fish
It’s true: Fish really is brain food. After Rush University scientists did tests of different brain functions on a group of people, they correlated the results with their food records and concluded that consuming more seafood was associated with a slower decline in subjects’ semantic memory, which is involved with the recall of basic facts. And in another Rush study, scientists autopsied the brains of people and compared the results with food questionnaires completed five years before their deaths. The findings: Those who ate more fish had fewer brain plaques and tangles, the hallmarks of poor memory.
5. Berries
Berries, particularly blueberries, are famous for boosting the brain—and for good reason. Their powerful antioxidants seem to help keep the mind in good working order. In research from the Harvard School of Public Health, scientists compared food records and the results of memory tests among women in the long-running Nurses Health Study. They found that women who ate the most blueberries and strawberries over several decades delayed the decline of memory up to two and a half years compared with those who did not eat berries.
from The Beachbody Blog http://ift.tt/2gHtfEt
17 Cauliflower Recipes Your Family Will Love
Cauliflower is one of those vegetables, like broccoli or Brussels sprouts, that many of us grew up pushing to the sides of our plates or feeding to the dog under the table. But somehow, over time, we have learned to love – or at least tolerate – cauliflower. Recently, this much-maligned cruciferous veggie has been on a meteoric rise to stardom. It’s on menus at fancy restaurants; it’s being made into anything and everything and posted to Pinterest; it has even bumped kale from the top spot on the trendiest vegetable podium.
And it’s easy to see why. Cauliflower’s blandness makes it extremely versatile. Whether it’s served loud and proud as full, unabashed florets; as a stand-in for protein; masquerading as rice or breadsticks; or even blended invisibly as a cheesy sauce, cauliflower is a delicious way to add more vegetables to your diet – and your family’s – without even noticing. Buffalo cauliflower dipped in blue cheese sauce? Yes, please! Loaded nachos? I’ll never say no to nachos. Try these recipes for everything from after-school snacks to hearty main dishes even your kids will love.
Cheesy Cauliflower Nachos
These are those amazing nachos I was talking about. Want to see an entire head of cauliflower disappear in seconds? Make this recipe topped with fresh veggies and just the right amount of cheese. You won’t miss the fried tortilla chips.
Healthier Fettuccine Alfredo
Fettuccini Alfredo is one of those foods that doesn’t even get cheat-meal status in a healthy diet; it is simply off limits. But this ingenious, healthy recipe uses no cream or butter to get a rich, authentic-tasting sauce. Surprise – it’s creamy blended cauliflower!
Cauliflower Pumpkin Casserole
If you prefer your cauliflower smothered in cheese, you’ll be a fan of this much healthier cauliflower casserole that’s perfect for fall and winter. Cauliflower is baked in a creamy sauce using flavorful, sharp cheddar melted with pumpkin puree.
Coconut and Lime Cauliflower Fried Rice
Cauliflower rice takes on the tastes of Southeast Asia with fragrant lime and creamy coconut in this flavorful alternative to white rice. Serve with stir-fry or flaky fish.
Cheesy Cauliflower Breadsticks
If you have a weakness for cheesy, buttery garlic bread (who doesn’t?), this no-fuss cauliflower breadstick recipe is for you. This exclusive FIXATE recipe from Autumn and Bobby Calabrese is a perfect side dish, after-school snack, or party hors d’oeuvre. Check out more FIXATE recipes here!
Roasted Cauliflower Steaks with Fresh Gremolata
Make tonight steak night! Thick slices of cauliflower roasted in an oven are hearty enough to be your main dish. Top them with gremolata, a classic Italian garnish made from ingredients you might already have in your kitchen.
Vegan Cauliflower Rice and Broccoli Gratin
Cauliflower is disguised as many things in this casserole: part rice and part breadcrumbs, it also blends invisibly into a thick, cheesy sauce.
Roasted Cauliflower Salad with Pomegranate and Hazelnuts
Roasting cauliflower brings out its sweet, nutty flavor, which pairs beautifully with hazelnuts and pomegranate seeds. Served atop a bed of arugula and dressed with a delicious cinnamon and allspice dressing, this roasted cauliflower salad is hearty enough to be a main course, and beautiful enough to serve to guests.
Sicilian-Style Cauliflower Casserole
In some recipes, cauliflower is a secret ingredient, but this Sicilian-style casserole is all about the cauliflower. Originally it was a pasta dish, but we liked the flavor of the cauliflower so much, we ditched the noodles.
Barbecued Cauliflower Salad
As if cauliflower weren’t versatile enough, it takes the place of marinated chicken or tempeh in this recipe for hearty barbecued salad. This simplified recipe makes a perfect bring-to-work lunch that’s great for anyone using Portion Fix containers for meal planning.
Cauliflower Crust Pizza
Eating clean doesn’t mean you have to give up pizza. On the contrary, when you discover how easy it is to make your pizza crust from cauliflower, pizza night might become your new favorite way to eat your veggies. Watch Autumn Calabrese make this 21 Day Fix-approved recipe.
Curried Cauliflower
This simple, spiced cauliflower recipe from the Ultimate Reset nutrition program is as clean as clean eating gets. Try it as a side dish, or serve it cold over salad greens.
Chicken and Cauliflower Fried Rice
It looks like fried rice, it tastes like fried rice, but this simple dish is a lot healthier than fried rice. By swapping out rice and replacing it with cauliflower, you cut calories and carbs, and sneak more veggies into the meal.
Roasted Cauliflower Mash
This twist on mashed potatoes has no potatoes, no cream, and no butter — and yet, it’s every bit as yummy as traditional mashed potatoes.
Cauliflower Bread
Buh-bye bread. It’s been really nice knowing you, but we’re all about cauliflower bread now. It’s easy to make, feels wholesome and comforting to eat, and it has a savory flavor that makes regular bread seem bland.
from The Beachbody Blog http://ift.tt/2fOlHm1
Double-tap if you enjoy breakfast meals at any time of day! 😂🙌 Was craving eggs this afternoon so I made a #breakfast bowl for #lunch: scrambled eggs + roasted red potatoes + avocado/guacamole + cherry tomatoes. Seasoned eggs with rosemary, sea salt & pepper, then garnished with chives. Potatoes have garlic and pepper with olive oil. This meal tastes great and the ingredients are pretty cheap so it’s a great option when strapped for cash. Boom. (traduccion abajo) ----- Haz doble clic si te gusta comer platos de #desayuno durante el día! Tuve antojo para los huecos revueltos así que preparé un bol de desayuno para mi #almuerzo: huevos revueltos + patata roja asada + aguacate/guacamole + tomates cherry. Sazoné los huevos con romero, sal marina y pimienta y cebollino. Condimenté patata con ajo, pimienta y aceite de oliva. La comida es riquísima y también no cuesta mucho preparar, perfecto cuando no tenga mucha plata. Bum.
Easy Ways to Winterize Your Salads
There’s a certain cycle to our eating habits that follows the seasons: In the summer, we tend to crave cool and crunchy salads. When it’s cold outside, salads fall by the way side in favor of warm, hearty foods. But with a few simple swaps, you can make winter salads something you’ll crave when the temperatures drop.
Start by redefining your idea of a salad: It doesn’t have to be cold, and it doesn’t even have to include greens. You can add your favorite fall and winter ingredients to your salads to change up the flavors and texture — even the temperature.
From winter squash and nuts to spices and whole grains, here are some unique ways to turn your salad into cold-weather comfort food.
Tip: To cut back on fat in a salad dressing, use a few puréed cubes of cooked squash in place of half the oil.
Whole Grains
Cooked whole grains like quinoa, farro and brown rice can be the base for a hearty side or light main salad. Chewy and hefty, whole grains add fiber and important minerals like magnesium and selenium to your diet.
Tip: Cook your grain of choice until just al dente (firm to the tooth) to avoid mushy salads.
Mushrooms offer a rich meatiness for relatively few calories. Sauté them in olive oil with thyme and rosemary for a fragrant addition to a grain salad.
Tip: Instead of white buttons, experiment with wild mushrooms like cremini, maitake, and shiitakes for added flavor, texture, and nutrition.
Brussels Sprouts
Move over, kale. Your diminutive cousin is the cruciferous veggie of choice these days. Shaved Brussels sprouts can be massaged with fresh lemon juice and salt for a filling raw salad. Or sauté and toss them with thinly sliced red onion and a lemon-thyme vinaigrette.
Tip: Buy them pre-shredded to save time or use your food processor’s slicing blade for even shreds.
Winter doesn’t mean the end of delicious citrus. Many citrus fruits peak in winter, like grapefruit and oranges. Lemon and lime juice can brighten salad dressings and break down tough greens, while orange and grapefruit segments lend a sweet-tartness to any salad. Try avocado, roasted beets, and walnuts with ruby red grapefruit.
The season also means exotic fruits like pomegranates and persimmons, as well as the tasty standbys like pears and apples. Pomegranate arils burst with flavor in any salad and persimmons — which resemble orange tomatoes — have a spicy sweetness. Scoop out and chop their ripe flesh, or keep the skins on and slice. Keep the peels on apples and pears, too, for texture and nutrition.
Tips: Don’t forget the zest! That outermost layer is packed with essential oils and flavor. A handful of no sugar-added dried fruit — like raisins, cranberries, or currants — provides chewy sweetness.
Make like a squirrel and hoard those nuts and seeds. They’re nutrition powerhouses, adding minerals, fiber, protein, healthy fats to any salad. Roast pecans, walnuts, and pumpkin seeds, then toss them with salt, pepper and spices for a flavorful and crunchy topping.
Tip: Nuts and seeds are calorically dense, so chop them to stretch the flavor.
Root Vegetables
Roasted root veggies like beets, parsnips, and carrots — cold or straight from the oven — add sweet earthiness and depth to your salad salad. Others root vegetables like pungent daikon radish and sweet, mild jicama (peeled and added raw) can add a different kind of satisfying crunch.
Summer greens are tender and delicate, but winter greens are hearty and filling. Kale, tatsoi (think: Asian spinach), endive, cabbage, chard, and radicchio are all packed with nutrients like vitamins A, C, E, and K. These greens can be served raw or cooked.
Tip: Toss greens with just-cooked roasted vegetables or whole grains to wilt them perfectly.
Herbs and Spices
Bust open your spice cabinet and boost the flavor of your salad with “warm” spices like cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, and herbs like sage, thyme, and rosemary. Sprinkle them on roasted veggies, stir into whole grains and use to season homemade salad dressing.
Homemade Winter Salad Vinaigrette
Making your own salad dressing is easy and affordable, and you don’t even need a recipe — just a ratio. Traditional vinaigrettes are made with one part acid, usually a vinegar or citrus juice, to three parts oil. (For example, for two servings of a basic balsamic vinaigrette, you would mix one tablespoon balsamic vinegar + 3 tablespoons oil.)
Then add herbs, spices and other flavorings to your acid (about ½ teaspoon per two servings, but adjust to taste), then whisk in your oil and season to taste with salt and pepper.
Too sour? Add a bit of maple syrup or honey. Kinda bland? Add mustard or a little more acid. A bit heavy on the spices? Double up on the acid and vinegar. You really can’t go wrong, so it’s the perfect time to play mad scientist.
Here are four perfect-for-winter salad dressing combos:
Turmeric-Lemon-Thyme: Massage into kale, then toss with farro, carrots, parsnips, and pomegranate arils.
Lime-Ginger: Drizzle over beets and shredded red cabbage with sunflower seeds.
Rosemary-Balsamic: Toss with quinoa, garlicky roasted butternut squash, radicchio, and dried cranberries.
Sage-Black Pepper: Add to sautéed cremini mushrooms, red onions, roasted kabocha squash cubes, and arugula.
from The Beachbody Blog http://ift.tt/2fNOgju
Why I’m Vegan — and Why You Might Not Need to Be
I experimented with my first diet change at age 13. I saw an ad on TV for the “grapefruit diet.” I asked my mom to buy a lot of grapefruit and for the next few days, that’s all I ate instead of my usual (sugar-filled Cocoa Puffs, sodas, and candy). That change in my diet away from processed food created a positive change in my brain and my body I could feel. And I realized — on some beginning level back then — the power of food.
I‘ve continued with that my whole life: trying on different food and diet philosophies and asking, “How does my body feel when I do this?” And that’s how I became vegan, as part of a training experiment.
My Journey to Becoming Vegan
Ten years ago, I was training hard. I knew that breaking down animal protein put a huge energy demand on your body and that it contains acids such as uric, sulfuric, and phosphoric acid, which can be not so easy to process.
I asked, “Does my body need animal protein to maintain a high level of fitness?” As part of an experiment, I took it all out, increased my workout loads, and started recording my results. I felt incredible and my acid reflux even went away.
Studies suggest that reducing or eliminating meat can have incredible impacts on your health.1,2,3,4Guys, listen up, studies show a connection between vegetarian diets and increased testosterone levels. 5,6 A third party study of the Ultimate Reset, which asks you to phase out meat and dairy over 21 days, showed that testosterone levels in men jumped by an average of 28 percent.7 Eating meat may even be causing you to lose muscle —researchers have found that a diet rich in vegetables and fruit and low in acidifying protein may help preserve muscle mass in older people.8,9(The Ultimate Reset is a great structured way to test out how giving up animal products feels for your body).
For the next three or four years I continued to track how I felt and kept asking myself, “Do you want fish?” “Do you want a steak?” The answer always came back “No.”
Should You Be a Vegan?
I’m not a label. I am a vegan because it makes me feel amazing from a physical perspective, but it also felt right philosophically as well.
I have always deeply cared about animals. I can’t even hurt a fly or a spider. If one wanders inside, I will stop everything, put a cup over it, sneak a piece of paper under the cup, and take it outside. Going physically vegan matched up with the morality that is truly me.
I became vegan after asking “What foods make me feel my best?” and being honest about the answer. That’s why I’m not passionate about making everyone vegan. It is not realistic, and I am not an authority over anyone else’s body. You are the best authority on you! I only want to raise awareness.
What You Should Do If You’re Considering Becoming a Vegan
If you’re going to try being vegan or vegetarian, really test it out. Over the years people have told me, “Oh, I tried giving up meat, but it just didn’t work for me.” I always want to ask, “Gee, how hard did you try?” We need to work at it a little. We need to shop differently. Preparing our food takes more time, effort, and thought. We have to pay attention to what we’re eating, How do you feel with meat and without it? What did you replace the meat with?
As you do it, listen to your body and ask questions.
If you do find you need some meat in your diet, then do it with the most sacred understanding and respect that you can. Don’t dishonor any animal’s life. If you do eat meat, make it organic and humanely raised on pasture or, for chickens, free-range. And don’t overdo it. New studies continue to indicate we don’t need as much protein as we thought we did. 10,11,12
Just one last thing: if people eat less meat and more fresh, whole beautiful plants, they can still receive all the nutrients their bodies require to thrive. That’s the purpose of this column, to celebrate the power of plants — and they really are incredibly powerful — and make them easy to incorporate in your lives.
If you try eliminating meat or dairy, let me know how it goes! And if you have questions, ask below in the comments as well.
from The Beachbody Blog http://ift.tt/2gSK6bR
Transformation Tuesday: Zoila Lost 28.8 Pounds With TurboFire!
Zoila was disappointed in her appearance and how her clothes were fitting. She discovered TurboFire and immediately knew that the program would work for her. She was right! She lost 28.8 pounds and 15.9 inches after 197 consecutive days of the program. Read about her experience below:
“I was out of shape and feeling unhappy about the way my clothes were fitting me. I’ve always enjoyed cardio workouts, so I wanted a program that would get me moving. When I found TurboFire, I knew it was the right program for me. I wanted to lose weight and it seemed like a high-energy workout, so it was just what I was looking for.
I enjoyed the variety of workouts in TurboFire. Even on days that didn’t include cardio, I enjoyed it. I liked the short HIIT workouts and Chalene’s high energy. She broke down the moves during each workout so it was easy to learn, and having the modifier was very helpful.
The Fire Nutrition Guide has helped me to figure out my calorie intake and make better nutrition choices. The TurboFire class schedule was key to obtaining my results since it took the guesswork out of what exactly to do. As a result, I was able to lose weight and inches, and I can now get into a smaller dress size!
Before TurboFire, I could only endure 10 minutes of moderate cardio. Now I can do an hour of high-intensity cardio. I’ve also developed upper body strength where I previously could only do 2-3 pushups. Now I’m doing several sets!
Since completing the program, I feel happier, and I love the way my clothes fit. I’m so thankful to Beachbody for providing me with the tools for success. It was all designed for me to do it in the comfort of my own home!”
†Results vary depending on starting point and effort.
You can change your life, too. Take the Beachbody Challenge for the tools you need to Decide, Commit, and Succeed! Complete any Beachbody program, and enter your results for a free gift and a chance to win cash and prizes. What program are you committing to next?
from The Beachbody Blog http://ift.tt/2gFOVlS