
Beachbody Results: See How Amber Lost 130 Pounds!

Amber’s turning point came when she found her daughter on the floor surrounded by a pile of Doritos. After a brief struggle, during which they fought for the chips, screaming and crying, Amber realized it was time to change.

Using Beachbody On Demand to stream her workouts, daily Shakeology, the Portion Fix nutrition plan and Beachbody Performance supplements, Amber went from 277 pounds to 147 pounds in less than three years!

Here is her story:

Amber’s Life, Before

I could not breathe going up and down stairs. My life consisted of working, coming home and eating, and lying on the couch. I was so uncomfortable with myself, I had gotten to a point where I did not even want to look in the mirror.

I fought with my husband all the time because I could not understand why he was with me, so I would just constantly see how far I could push him away.

I had so many challenges. But looking back on it now, the biggest one was changing my relationship with food. I have a problem that I think about food all waking hours, at times I have even dreamed about it. Food was my best friend, but I had to teach myself that food is meant for survival.

I wanted my daughter’s life to be better than my own. When I started, she was almost two years old and she was already starting to pick up my bad habits. I realized finally that I had to change myself in order for her to have better future.

Before Beachbody, I never thought it was possible for me to weigh less than 200 pounds.

Beachbody On Demand is a game-changer, because I don’t have to stick with one workout. The Portion Fix containers completely changed the way I looked at food. It visually shows me how much to eat so that I don’t overeat. The [Challenge] Group held me accountable; some days I really did not want to workout, but I couldn’t check in if I didn’t do my workout.

Amber’s Life, After

Over the years, I have done a long list of Beachbody programs. Everything in my life has changed. Working out and meal prepping is my hobby.

I feel that I am more relaxed as a person. I have so much more energy, I feel younger now than I did 10 years ago. I love getting dressed every day because usually whatever I put on looks good on my body.

I love how much happier all these changes have made my family. We do so many activities together; before, our “together time” was eating and watching movies.

I’m setting a better example for my daughter, Nola, showing her that there is no ‘I can’t.’

I am most proud of what I am physically capable of. It’s an amazing feeling as a woman to feel like you can protect yourself with your own strength.

Fun fact: Amber is pleased to report that she hasn’t had a single Dorito since December 2013.

See Amber’s amazing weight-loss journey!

Learn about streaming workouts on Beachbody On Demandhealthy recipesclean eating, and more on the Beachbody Blog.

from The Beachbody Blog


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