
Peanutty Peanut Butter Squares

All-natural peanut butter can part of a healthy diet…in moderation, of course.

Peanut butter is an excellent way to work some healthy fats into your diet — you heard that right: “healthy fats.”

Some fats are healthy and others are not. These Peanutty Peanut Butter Squares are made with a handful of wholesome ingredients you can feel good about.

Okay, not all peanut butter is good for you. That’s because some brands of peanut butter contain lots of additives and tons of processed sugars.

To be sure you are getting pure unadulterated peanut butter take a look at the ingredients on the jar. If you see corn syrups and cane sugars listed, put that jar back on the shelf.

One way to make sure you are buying nothing but the good stuff is to grind your peanut butter yourself. Lots of whole food stores and groceries, especially those that carry bulk grains, now have nut butter machines right in the store.

Pro tip: Here’s a quick, easy recipe for making your own peanut butter at home!

This decadent recipe only calls for a few ingredients and is mostly made of peanut butter.

Add a few eggs, a touch of raw honey, a little vanilla extract, and a dash of baking soda whip thoroughly and voila. This neat baked treat utilizes a little chemistry magic to give rise to the dough.

Peanuts are slightly acidic which reacts with the baking soda causing the dough to rise in the oven. Since these peanut butter squares are made mostly of actual peanut butter they won’t throw your healthy eating plan off the rails.

To get the recipe and find out the Portion Fix Containers and nutritional information, watch the FIXATE episode on Beachbody On Demand!

from The Beachbody Blog


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