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Foolproof Formula for a Healthy Vegetarian Salad

As someone who doesn’t eat meat, I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve been served plain greens or a pile of raw vegetables and had no choice but to consider that measly salad a “meal.”

From weddings to work dinners, I’ve chewed and chomped my way through those skimpy salads; I even made a few lackluster salads for myself in my early meat-free days before learning about macronutrients.

If you’re just starting to make the switch to a vegetarian way of eating, you can build a filling meal-size salad with our foolproof formula for a healthy vegetarian salad.

(Pro tip: For all you omnivores, check out our Foolproof Formula for a Healthy, Delicious Salad.)

But first, let’s take a look at where your vegetarian bowl of greens may be going astray.

Arugula salad in a bowl with light dressing

The 4 Biggest Vegetarian Salad Mistakes

Along with smoothies, salads are one of the easiest ways to load up on produce and reach your quota of vegetables — and sometimes fruit — each day.

But not all salads are created equal. Here are the four most common vegetarian salad mistakes.

Mistake: You simply leave out meat or fish

Restaurants seem to include meat or seafood in most meal-size salads, and the vegetarian option is often to omit that — with nothing in its place.

Big mistake, as without a protein source your salad won’t keep you full for long! “I often reinforce to clients that meatless does not mean protein-less,” says Alyssa Cohen M.S., R.D., L.D.N.

Mistake: You rely on cheese as your protein

Sure, cheese contains protein, but Portion Fix considers most cheeses (aside from light ricotta and 2-percent cottage cheese) to be fats, which are measured using the blue container.

Think of cheese as a seasoning or garnish for a burst of salty or creamy flavor, rather than the backbone of your salad. When dining out, ask for cheese on the side or request the kitchen go light on the cheese.

Mistake: You limit yourself to only veggies

Raw vegetables are an integral part of most salads, but don’t just be basic, says Cohen. She advises that you go beyond “salad vegetables” like lettuce, cucumber, and tomato.

They are low in calories and nutritious, but a raw veggie salad “does not constitute an entrée, as these ingredients lack significant macronutrients,” she adds.

Mistake: Your fat (and sugar and salt) are out of control

While your salad needs some healthy fats for mouthfeel and to help you absorb certain fat-soluble nutrients (including vitamins A, D, E, and K), fat is the most calorically dense macronutrient at nine calories per gram (compared with four calories for both carbs and protein) so the calories can add up quickly.

If you’re adding oils, avocado, nuts and seeds, and even cheese, “portions are important,” says Cohen. “Don’t use large portions of all of these items, or your salad could end up being a calorie bomb.”

Prepared dressings may also sneak unwanted sodium and sugar into your salad, too, so make your own at home.

Healthy vegetarian bowl in a salad

How to Build a Healthy Vegetarian Salad

With this advice in mind, your mission, should you choose to accept, is to make the ultimate meat-free salad.

Here are our five easy steps to building a healthy vegetarian salad, from greens and veggies to dressing and everything in between.

Step 1: Build Your Base

Think of greens as a blank canvas; the rest of your ingredients will be your palette of paints to add color and flair.

Dark, leafy greens are the obvious choice for your salad base, but you can choose any green(s) you like.

For those following a dairy-free diet, greens (like kale, mustard greens, bok choy, turnip greens, collards, and watercress) are an easy way to ensure you’re getting calcium in your diet.

Instead of yet another bowl of lettuce, spinach, and kale, try other dark-green vegetables like bitter escarole and endive (these leaves also make fun scoops for avocado egg salad in place of toast), crunchy purslane or tatsoi, or peppery arugula.

Portion Fix: A serving of greens is one green container.

Step 2: Add Fruits and Vegetables

Use the rainbow as your guide or start with the classics: “One of my favorite salads is an Israeli salad that’s made from chopped cucumbers and tomatoes, plus sometimes onion,” says Amer. “It’s so filling and refreshing!”

Cohen’s go-to combo adds bell pepper to that trio, and there are so many more veggies to consider adding to your salad.

Think: beets and red radishes, carrots and summer squash, broccoli and sprouts, purple cabbage, or cooked eggplant.

If you frequent local farmers’ markets or specialty grocery stores, you may even be able to find some unusual hues (like purple or orange cauliflower) and other weird-looking fruits and veggies.

Don’t forget about fruit, but opt for fresh over sugary dried fruit, advises Cohen. She suggests citrus segments, while Amer loves the burst of sweet-tart berries in a salad.

Apples and pears (including Asian ones) are tasty salad additions. In summer, try melon, or add fresh figs, cherries, grapes, or stone fruit like peaches and plums.

Portion Fix: A serving of non-starchy vegetables is one green container, and a serving of fruit is one purple container.

Salad with lentils, poached egg

Step 3: Pick a Plant-Based Protein

No meat on your salad? No problem!

“There are so many great plant-based sources of protein, and if a salad is your main meal, you should certainly be adding some source of protein, says Cohen.

Give your vegetarian salad staying power with hard-boiled eggs, two-percent cottage cheesebeans and lentils, tofu, tempeh, or even a veggie burger.

“Beans are my favorite protein because they work for vegans, vegetarians, and meat-eaters alike; they’re inexpensive, and they’re so tasty,” says Cohen. “Beans are a good source of protein and carbohydrates, so they also serve a double purpose (and offer filling fiber).”

Don’t forget to season your tempeh or tofu — bland cubes won’t be very enticing atop a salad, and you may be tempted to add extra salt or dressing instead.

“Marinated tofu is a great option for vegetarians,” says Amer. She also likes the French technique of topping salads with poached eggs, as the runny yolk creates a creamy dressing.

Cheese, whole grains, and nuts and seeds also add protein, says Cohen, though these foods provide other macronutrients, too.

(With Portion Fix, those foods are not counted as proteins, so measure them accordingly.)

At restaurants, don’t sweat it if the meat-free proteins are not compatible with a salad. Order a side of black beans, scrambled eggs, or lentil soup to round out your meal.

“As long as you are consuming protein with your meal, it doesn’t need to be in every course,” says Cohen.

Portion Fix: A serving of protein is one red container.

Step 4: Add Some Carbs

Hold the buttery rolls and salty croutons, and seek out complex carbs from whole foods the next time you build a salad.

Since foods tend to provide more than one macro at a time, says Cohen, you likely are consuming enough carbs if you’re adding those plant-based protein stand-ins such as beans or even a more protein-heavy grain like quinoa to your bowl.

If your salad is mostly non-starchy vegetables, or if you’re relying on eggs and nuts for protein and fat, “you likely are forgetting the carbohydrates,” says Cohen.

She reaches for starchy vegetables (try corn, roasted white or sweet potatoes, or peas), adding that such vegetables “are great carbohydrate sources that will provide additional nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals.”

Still craving something bread-y, carb-y, or crunchy? Try whole-grain pasta, toasted whole-wheat bread, or even whole-grain crackers.

Portion Fix: A serving of carbs is one yellow container.

Step 5: Add Healthy Fats and Flavor

Fat adds richness to any meal, but it’s especially noticeable in a big salad, where it adds creamy contrast to cool, crunchy vegetables.

Dressing is the obvious choice, but Cohen says that avocado, nuts, and seeds “will provide healthful unsaturated fats.” Flavorful cheeses like feta, Parmesan, or goat also add creaminess and fat.

What if you don’t eat dairy? If it’s the cheesy flavor you crave, Cohen suggests swapping in nutritional yeast instead. (Bonus: “Nootch,” as it’s also known, adds fiber and protein, and some fortified varieties contain B vitamins, too.)

Want the creaminess of cheese? Add avocado, Cohen recommends. “It will be a source of monounsaturated fatty acids, lower in sodium and tastes just as creamy as cheese,” she says.

Stretch the flavor of your favorite fat sources by chopping nuts, crumbling or grating cheese, and dicing avocado or blending it into avocado dressing.

If you’re using a traditional oil-based dressing, use this chef’s tip: Measure your dressing into the bottom of a large bowl, then add your greens and other non-starchy vegetables.

Use tongs to toss and coat the vegetables evenly with the dressing, ensuring no dry lettuce or bland veggies will languish in the bottom of your bowl.

Check out these Portion Fix-approved dressing recipes:

Honey Mustard Dressing

Lemon Tarragon Vinaigrette

Creamy Dill Dressing

Healthier Ranch Dressing

Thousand Island Dressing

Craving even more flavor? Reach for fresh or dried herbs and spices, which is Amer’s secret to awesome salads. You can add as much as you’d like without racking up fat grams or calories.

Fresh herbs like cilantro, parsley, and basil can elevate the flavors in your salad, too.

Portion Fix: A serving of avocado, nuts, and most shredded cheeses is one blue container (healthy fats). A serving of seeds or Portion Fix Dressings is one orange container. A serving of oil or nut butter is one teaspoon.

Bonus: Herbs and spices are freebies!

The Bottom Line

Now you’re armed and ready to build your best vegetarian salad ever.

Get creative and use your salads as a way to challenge your tastebuds: Try new vegetables, fruit, or protein sources each week, swap in a new herb, or seek out an exotic green at the farmers’ market.

Scope out the menus of the top plant-based diet hotspots (especially those you haven’t had a chance to visit yet), and get inspiration for your own meals. I often scour online menus of trendy restaurants to breathe new life into my salad meals.

But there’s also nothing wrong with finding your signature salad and sticking with that.

“I’m happy with my go-to salad that usually includes a base of ‘basic’ salad vegetables,” says Cohen. She adds a handful of walnuts, beans, avocado, and sometimes cheese. “This is my typical lunch, because it’s so easy to prep, cost-effective, nutritious and delicious.”

No matter what your nutrition goals are, salads can be a regular part of your meat-free eating plan. Even without meat and fish, you can make a salad into a filling and satisfying meal.

from The Beachbody Blog

10 Tips for Maintaining Weight Loss

Look at what you’ve accomplished: You’ve reached your weight-loss goal and feel like you’re ready to take on the world. But now what?

Without crashing your party, research has shown that only about 20 percent of overweight individuals are successful at long-term weight loss.

“Long-term” is defined as losing at least 10 percent of initial body weight and maintaining that loss for at least one year.

Defense mechanisms like increased hunger, lower energy metabolism, resorting to old habits, and day-to-day stresses seem to fight against you even more than when you were in weight-loss mode.

This is where 80 percent of those previously overweight individuals get stuck.

Lucky for you, we have 10 tips on how to ensure you beat the odds and keep that weight off without becoming a slave to the scale.

Healthy Vegetarian Salad in a bowl

10 Tips to Keep the Weight Off

1. Eat more plants

The key here is what Dr. Barbara Rolls termed “volumetrics.” Foods with low-calorie density like fruits and veggies are naturally high in bulk, fiber, and water to help you feel full without using up much of your daily calorie target.

If you think about it, when was the last time you were able to eat more than two apples in a sitting or come close to eating a whole head of lettuce?

(Juicing doesn’t count — once you send those fruits and veggies through the juicer, all the beneficial fiber is removed.)The more of these foods you have in your meal plan, the less likely you’ll be to binge on calorie-dense treats.

2. Cook (more ) at home

Hopefully, you got some practice from following the recipes in the nutrition guide that accompanied your favorite Beachbody On Demand program.

Now it’s time to take control and perhaps even kick things up a notch. With the advent of that Internet thing, you have access to loads of healthful recipes — like the ones on the Beachbody Blog and Autumn Calabrese’s cooking show, FIXATE.

So whether you consider yourself a foodie or not, seek out blogs that feature recipes that suit your taste.

When you cook at home, you control your portions, the quality of the ingredients, the cooking method, and the menu — all areas that require wise decisions when it comes to losing weight and keeping it off.

Vanilla Shakeology Shake

3. Consume more protein

According to a 2014 meta-analysis in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, high-protein diets and meal replacements are effective strategies to help combat weight re-gain.

Sounds similar to the nutrition strategy you used to lose weight, right? That’s why the best “diets” are really lifestyle makeovers with no end date.

Start your morning off with a balanced breakfast and a superfood nutrition shake like Shakeology and let those healthy decisions set the tone for the rest of the day.

4. Cut back on liquid calories

What I’m referring to here are liquid calories that are void of any nutrition, such as soda, alcohol, sugar-laden lattes, and sugar-laden “fruit flavored” juices, all of which lack the fiber and protein that help you feel full.

This trick is one of the many used by successful weight-loss maintainers in the National Weight Control Registry (NWCR), an ongoing study of adults 18 years of age and older who have lost at least 30 pounds and kept it off for at least one year.

When cutting liquid calories, focus on water. If you don’t like the pure stuff, make it fancy with some fresh fruit and herbs!

5. Make your gut happy

The little bacteria that populate your intestinal tract can have a huge impact on whether or not lost pounds remain lost.

According to a study in mice in the journal Nature, overweight and obese individuals have a higher ratio of unhealthy to healthy bacteria in their guts, and that ratio can persist post weight loss, presenting a hurdle for maintaining it.

To promote the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria, stock your kitchen and pantry with foods rich in probiotics (e.g., yogurt, kefir, fermented veggies like kimchi) and prebiotics (e.g., fiber-dense fruits and veggies, which feed the good bacteria).

6. Cheat…a little

A life without chocolate, alcohol, or French fries may not be a life worth living, and lucky for us, the body is pretty forgiving when it comes to the occasional treat.

You likely won’t do much damage if you indulge your cravings once or twice a week. So listen to your body, and know that if it’s screaming for Ben & Jerry’s, you’ve got a couple free passes.

7. Continue to monitor your weight

While studies show that a daily weigh-in can help you lose weight, you can relax a bit once you’ve reached your goal.

Once a week should do the trick, as that will allow you to monitor your weight and make lifestyle adjustments as necessary — and if your weight starts trending upward, you can always resume daily weigh-ins to root out the problem.

Woman working out at home

8. Move more

Research shows that eating habits carry the brunt of the load when it comes to weight loss, but exercise takes over once you reach your goal.

Check out Beachbody On Demand for streaming access to hundreds of world-class workout programs. Find the program that’s right for you and press “play”!

9. Keep your diet dialed in

The downside to losing weight is that you have to continue eating less to maintain it because your new body doesn’t require as much energy to function.

But that doesn’t mean you have to keep counting calories. Once you get an idea of your new daily calorie target and go through a few rounds of meal prep to see how much food that encompasses, then you can guesstimate how much to eat.

This is where a weekly weigh-in comes in handy, as it will alert you if your eyes are getting bigger than your stomach!

10. Stay the course

Maintaining your weight loss will become easier as you internalize these tips.

Indeed, a study in Obesity Research found that participants who had lost at least 30 pounds and kept it off for two years or longer used fewer weight-management techniques as time passed.

The reason? The techniques became part of their lifestyle.

Instead of dreading your workouts, you might find yourself jumping out of bed eager for some MMA-inspired action from CORE DE FORCE, or relishing time in the kitchen prepping perfectly balanced meals for the week ahead.

Whatever seems like a struggle today will become effortless down the road.

The Bottom Line

Losing weight can be difficult, but many people find weight-loss maintenance to be even more challenging.

Armed with these tips, however, it’s also totally doable, so have faith. Hey, if you lost the weight in the first place, you’ve already proven you’ve got what it takes to succeed!

from The Beachbody Blog

Chicken Alfredo Pasta with Sun-Dried Tomato and Mozzarella Sauce

Chicken Alfredo Pasta with Sun-Dried Tomato and Mozzarella Sauce – comfort food dinner with the best homemade alfredo sauce!

chicken dinner, sun-dried tomato pasta, gluten free pasta, gluten free dinner, gluten free Tinkyada penne pasta

Chicken breast tenderloins sautéed with sun-dried tomatoes and penne pasta in a creamy mozzarella cheese sauce. If you love pasta, if you love Italian-style food – you’ll LOVE this chicken alfredo pasta recipe! 

creamy tomato pasta sauce, creamy pasta, chicken pasta, Italian pasta recipe

Ingredients you will need for chicken alfredo pasta:

You will need:

3 garlic cloves
4 oz sun-dried tomatoes
1 lb chicken breast tenderloins
1 cup half and half
1 cup mozzarella cheese , shredded
8 oz penne pasta
1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes

How do you make chicken alfredo pasta?

First, you sautee garlic and sun-dried tomatoes in the olive oil that comes from the jar with sun-dried tomatoes – you do it on high heat so that tomatoes get nicely charred. Then, you remove the tomatoes, and sautee chicken (salted and lightly covered in paprika, for color) on high heat. What you get are nicely charred sun-dried tomatoes and stove-top roasted chicken:

sun-dried tomatoes and chicken in a skillet

To that, you add half and half and mozzarella cheese, bring the mixture to boil, then simmer and stir to melt the cheese and form a creamy alfredo sauce. Make sure to reserve some pasta water as you will DEFINITELY need it to add to the alfredo sauce to make it less thick and more creamy:

creamy chicken, mozzarella chicken, chicken pasta recipe, chicken pasta dinner ideas

Final step is to add spices just enough for your taste: basil, crushed red pepper flakes, salt.  This chicken alfredo pasta has so much flavor from the sun-dried tomato and Mozzarella sauce with all the basil in it, too.  Feel free to add more spices.

chicken, basil, sun-dried tomatoes, gluten-free pasta, creamy sauce

Chicken Alfredo Pasta with Sun-Dried Tomato and Mozzarella Sauce

This easy Chicken Alfredo Pasta will become of your favorite dinners!  Made with sun-dried tomatoes and creamy Mozzarella sauce, this pasta recipe is pure comfort food!  

  • 3 garlic cloves (, minced)
  • 4 oz sun-dried tomatoes
  • 1 lb chicken breast tenderloins
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon paprika
  • 1 cup half and half
  • 1 cup mozzarella cheese (, shredded)
  • 8 oz penne pasta ((for gluten free, use gluten free brown rice pasta))
  • 1 tablespoon basil
  • 1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes
  • 1/2 cup reserved cooked pasta water (or more)
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt (to taste)
  1. Note: if using sun-dried tomatoes in oil (in a jar), make sure to drain sun-dried tomatoes from oil, before using them. Reserve 2 tablespoons of this drained oil for sauteing as described below:
  2. In a large pan, on high heat, sautee garlic and sun-dried tomatoes (drained from oil) in 2 tablespoons of oil (reserved from the sun-dried tomatoes jar – see note above) for 1 minute until garlic is fragrant. Remove sun-dried tomatoes from the pan, leaving the oil, and add chicken tenders, salted and lightly covered in paprika (for color) and cook on high heat for 1 minute on each side. Remove from heat.
  3. Cook pasta according to package instructions. Reserve some cooked pasta water. Drain and rinse the pasta with cold water (to stop cooking).
  4. Slice sun-dried tomatoes into smaller bits and add them back to the skillet with chicken. Add half and half and cheese to the skillet, too, and bring to a gentle boil. Immediately reduce to simmer and cook, constantly stirring, until all cheese melts and creamy sauce forms. If the sauce is too thick – don’t worry – you’ll be adding some cooked pasta water soon. Add cooked pasta to the skillet with the creamy sauce, and stir to combine. Add 1 tablespoon of basil, and at least 1/4 teaspoon of red pepper flakes. Stir to combine.
  5. Add about 1/2 cup reserved cooked pasta water because the creamy sauce will be too thick (do not add all water at once – you might need less or more of it). This will water down the thickness of the cheese sauce and make it creamier. Immediately, season this chicken alfredo pasta with salt and more red pepper flakes, to taste, if needed. Let it simmer for a couple of minutes for flavors to combine.
  6. Note: Make sure to salt the dish just enough to bring out of the flavors of basil and sun-dried tomatoes.

WHAT IS HALF AND HALF? To make 1 cup of half and half, combine 1/2 cup milk and 1/2 cup heavy cream or heavy whipping cream.

Follow Julia on Pinterest and Facebook to get more recipes and dinner ideas for your weekly meal planning!

If you enjoyed this chicken alfredo pasta, you might like these recipes with creamy sauce:


The post Chicken Alfredo Pasta with Sun-Dried Tomato and Mozzarella Sauce appeared first on Julia's Album.

from Julia's Album

500 Calorie EXTREME Non-Stop HIIT Cardio Fat Burning Workout // MX500 #30

from Millionaire Hoy

How to Tackle Game Day Snack Temptations

Big game parties can be SO much fun! Even if you’re like me and you don’t follow football throughout the season, you can always find something to love about game day — whether it’s rooting for the underdog, enjoying the halftime show and the commercials, or just having a good time with friends and family.

I want to help you enjoy everything about game day, including those delicious snacks that get passed around. Football food is “comfort food” — pizza, wings, chips, dips, and subs — and they can be very hard to resist. But it’s important to remember that we’re fueling our bodies to watch football, not actually play it!


5 Tips to Enjoy Game Day Parties While Staying on Track With Your Weight-Loss Goals:


Prioritize, prioritize, prioritize.

I know… it all looks so good. But you can’t eat it all, so it’s time to set priorities. Seek out the healthy game day snacks — those that are vegetable based, low in fat, and high in fiber. Look for lean proteins that will help you feel full, so you’re less tempted by the high-calorie snacks. And you don’t have to deny yourself a cheesy treat or decadent dessert. Just choose the one or two indulgences you just can’t live without… and leave it at that!

Don’t forget to drink water.

Staying hydrated is your best defense against mindless eating (and can even help prevent a hangover), so if you’re drinking beer, wine, or anything else alcoholic, make sure you drink water first then alternate every bottle of beer with a large glass of water. Drinking all that water keeps your belly full and keeps your hands busy instead of mindlessly grabbing all the munchies lying in front of you just because they’re there.

Instead of reaching for a snack, make a plate.

Most of us think we overeat when the food is really good, or when we’re feeling especially hungry… but the fact is, the biggest cause of overeating is not paying attention! That’s especially true when we are watching TV. A handful of chips and guacamole here… a chicken wing or two there… and without realizing it, we’ve consumed several hundred calories without even enjoying our food, let alone feeling full or satisfied. So when you reach for the finger foods, pay attention, set them on a plate, and eat from there. Putting your food on a plate is a simple way to know how much you’re eating, and to help you pace yourself so that you don’t overdo it. Keep your eyes on the prize and don’t let your fingers do the walking.

vegetables and dip

“Veggie-fy” your chips ‘n’ dip.

Nothing goes together with football like a crunchy plate of chips and a creamy dip. But instead of the usual, try swapping regular chips with a veggie instead. Because let’s be honest, what you like about the chip is its crunch and the fact that it’s the vehicle to enjoy those delicious dips. So, swap out a handful of regular potato chips for carrot sticks to scoop up your favorite dip and you’ll see that you’ll still get all the flavor and crunchy satisfaction you want! And don’t forget to veggie-fy your dips as well. Opt for salsa (which has around four calories per tablespoon) rather than a cream cheese- or mayonnaise-based dip — those can pack over 10 times more calories than salsa.

Healthy Game Day Dip:

Mix two tablespoons of vegetarian refried beans with two tablespoons of salsa. A quarter cup is roughly 33 calories. Enjoy with a cup of cucumber slices and you’ll get plenty of tangy crunch… without all the calories.

Go topless (with your sub).

Even small, six-inch subs are a foot-long helping of bread when you count both sides of the sandwich. By taking off just the top half of bread, you’re saving nearly 100 calories — about the same as a bottle of light beer. Remember what I said about choosing your treats? This is an easy way to be smart about enjoying game day food without having to tell yourself “no.” That’s why I always tell my clients: “an open face is a happy face!”

My goal is for you to have a great time watching the game, whether you’re out at a party or having friends over to your house. You can enjoy the action, the great company, and yes, even the game day snacks — without overdoing it!

from The Beachbody Blog

Not All Vegan Food is Healthy

As a longtime vegan, I feel like I’m about to give away a state secret, but here it goes:

Vegan food isn’t all kale smoothies, quinoa bowls, and almond milk. There’s a lot of junk food that happens to be vegan. And just because it’s vegan doesn’t mean it’s healthy.

Say what?!

“There is the idea that as long as it’s vegan it’s healthy, but that’s not true,” says Paige Benté, M.S., R.D., C.S.S.D. “A cookie is still a cookie.”

Speaking of cookies, did you know Oreos were technically vegan? Yep. So are French fries, Fritos, Hershey’s syrup and even some bacon bits (they’re made from soy).

There’s no meat, milk or eggs to be found in any of those foods. Does that mean they’re healthy? Nope.

“It’s junk food, and we call it that for a reason,” says Benté.

Bowl of vegan ice cream

Vegan Food Is Healthy! (Right?)

“Vegan foods are healthier” is the second-most prevalent myth I hear about a plant-based diet (right after “you’ll never get enough protein!”).

Full disclosure: I totally pull the “but it’s vegan, so it’s good for me” card sometimes, knowing full well that I’m kidding myself as I eat (vegan) ice cream or an extra slice of (vegan) pizza.

A vegan diet isn’t always a plant-based diet — meaning it might not be a diet plentiful in plant-based whole foods. Sometimes a vegan diet is just as full of processed, unpronounceable ingredients as the standard American diet.

A vegan diet isn’t always a clean diet, either. But it can be — when it’s also a whole-food, plant-based diet.

It’s worth noting that the decision to follow a vegan diet can be highly personal. For some, it’s driven by health; for others, it’s ethics. We’re looking only at the nutritional aspects here.

Vegan donuts with coffee

No, All Vegan Food Is Not Healthy

In my experience, a reliance on vegan junk food happens when we try to mimic a typical omnivorous diet, which has become even easier thanks to the widespread availability of specialty diet foods.

Vegan cheese and meats are usually highly processed and high in sodium, and foods like vegan butter or baked goods can be even worse than the traditional versions, says Benté, citing the use of hydrogenated oils (aka, trans fats).

“A lot of times the vegan and gluten-free options can be worse because they’re so much more processed,” says Benté.

Simply switching from regular pizza to vegan pizza, regular cookies to vegan cookies and regular doughnuts to vegan doughnuts isn’t a way to clean up your diet, she says.

But switching from pizza to spaghetti squash or from cookies to date-and-nut bars, and from doughnuts to low-sugar muffins made with whole-grain flour and real fruit are great places to start.

The takeaway: Read the label, and choose those with short lists of ingredients that sound like real food.

Healthy salad with greens and roasted sweet potatoes

What Is a Clean Vegan Diet?

As a health coach, when I help people transition to a plant-based lifestyle, I remind them: “reinvent, don’t replicate.”

That is, unless you’re making a vegan version of your favorite meal using whole food ingredients, it most likely lacks the full benefits of the nutrients and phytochemicals you’d find by eating the original plant-based form.

While I’m grateful that vegan versions of comfort foods exist — they’re great for when cravings hit now and again — a balanced vegan diet is like any balanced diet: It’s one that’s full of whole foods that are as close to their natural form as possible.

“You can definitely make a vegan diet very healthy,” says Benté. “It can meet all of your needs.”

Protein aside — and Benté says there’s little need to worry that vegans won’t get enough high-quality protein from plants — vegans need to ensure they’re getting adequate amounts of micronutrients that may be lacking from a plant-based diet, like vitamin B12, or may be more difficult to obtain in appropriate amounts, like iron or calcium.

And if you’re a Shakeology lover, rest easy: There are vegan Shakeology flavors available as well and plenty of vegan Shakeology recipes.

After that, look to Mother Nature: Whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds are all clean vegan foods.

So have that (vegan) cookie. Just don’t give it a health halo it doesn’t deserve.

Here is a sampling of Portion Fix-approved vegan recipes to get you started!

Vegan Strawberry Shakeology

Vegan Shakeology Recipes

Vegan Chocolate Caramel Delight Shakeology

Vegan Key Lime Dream Shakeology

Vegan S’mores Shakeology

Vegan Strawberry Mojito Shakeology

Vegan Cookies and Cream Shakeology

Sweet Vegan Recipes

Double Chocolate No-Bake Vegan Brownies

Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Fruit Dip

Frozen Banana Pops

Vegan Sugar Cookies

Cashew and Oat Gluten-Free Waffles

Savory Vegan Recipes

Vegan Buddha Bowl With Spring Vegetables

Vegan Slow Cooker Stew With Chickpeas and Spinach

Barbecue Spaghetti Squash Sliders

Vegan Cauliflower Rice and Broccoli Gratin

Vegan Cashew Queso Sauce

Get more vegan recipe ideas here!

(BONUS: Currently doing 21 Day Fix? Here’s a vegan meal prep just for you.)

from The Beachbody Blog

35 Minute Hyper Yoga HIIT Workout - High Intensity Fat Burning Quick Flow Cardio Yoga // MX500 #29

from Millionaire Hoy

Spinach Artichoke Pasta with Chicken

Spinach Artichoke Pasta with Chicken – it’s just like spinach and artichoke dip but made as dinner!

spinach artichoke pasta, spinach artichoke dip pasta

This recipe is my take on a classic chicken alfredo, but with the addition of my favorite green ingredients: spinach and artichoke.  Pretty much everyone loves spinach and artichoke dip, and this recipe is its pasta version.

spinach and artichoke dip pasta

Boneless, skinless, lean chicken breast works great in this very creamy spinach artichoke pasta recipe.  And, the homemade alfredo sauce ensures that the chicken breast is juicy and moist as it is generously coated in a silky cheese sauce.

chicken alfredo with spinach and artichoke

How to Make Spinach Artichoke Pasta:

Here is a quick snapshot of the recipe.  Use 2 average size chicken breasts or 1 large chicken breast (it should be a total of 1.5 pounds of chicken). Slice each chicken breast horizontally to make it thinner.   Cook each chicken breast half about 5 minutes on each side, until it’s of nice golden color and completely cooked through.  Slice it up!  Make the creamy sauce by combining heavy cream and shredded Mozzarella cheese, then add thawed spinach and chopped up artichokes.  Combine cooked pasta and cooked chicken in this creamy sauce, adjust the seasonings (salt and pepper) and your spinach artichoke pasta is ready!

easy chicken pasta wish spinach and artichoke

How do you make this spinach artichoke pasta gluten free?

Easy! The homemade alfredo sauce in this recipe is already gluten free as it doesn’t use any flour – only heavy cream, milk, and cheese. All you have to do is use gluten free pasta in place of regular pasta. I made this recipe with gluten free brown rice penne, and it worked great!

creamy spinach and artichoke chicken alfredo

If you enjoyed this spinach artichoke pasta, you might also like these recipes:

Chicken Pasta with Spinach and Artichokes, Bacon and Tomatoes in Asiago Cream Sauce

Chicken Florentine Bake

Spinach Artichoke Pasta with Chicken

Creamy homemade alfredo sauce, silky and smooth, is so good in this Spinach Artichoke Pasta with Chicken.  All your favorite ingredients from the Spinach and Artichoke Dip but made for dinner! 

  • 1.5 lb chicken breasts ((1 or 2 large chicken breasts))
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 8 oz penne pasta
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 1/2 cup Mozzarella cheese (, shredded (or Monterey Jack cheese))
  • 14 oz artichoke hearts (, drained and chopped)
  • 8 oz spinach ((frozen and thawed completely and drained))
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt (to taste)
  1. Slice chicken breast in half horizontally (to make it thinner).   Season the chicken generously with salt (1/2 teaspoon or more) and pepper on both sides.   

  2. In a large skillet heat olive oil on medium-high heat (until hot but not smoking) and saute chicken breast for about 5 minutes on each side, until nicely browned. Remove the skillet from heat, cover with the lid, and let the chicken rest, off heat, covered, until chicken is no longer pink in the center and cooked through. Remove chicken from the pan. Cut chicken into bite-size pieces.

  3. Bring a large pot of water to boil.  Cook pasta al dente, drain.

  4. While the pasta is cooking, in the same skillet that you cooked chicken, add 1 cup of heavy cream until it boils. Immediately add the cheese and stir until melted and nice and creamy. Reduce heat to medium-low, and slowly, in small portions, add milk, constantly stirring, simmering, until nice and creamy consistency is reached.

  5. Add cooked pasta to the creamy sauce. Add drained and chopped artichoke hearts and spinach. Taste and season with salt and pepper. Top with sliced, cooked chicken.

The post Spinach Artichoke Pasta with Chicken appeared first on Julia's Album.

from Julia's Album

25 Min Foam Rolling Recovery Massage Workout - Deep Tissue Myofascial Release Stretches // MX500 #28

from Millionaire Hoy

40 Minute Home Leg Workout with Dumbbells - Lower Body Weights Training for Strong Legs // MX500 #27

from Millionaire Hoy

Creamy Garlic Mushrooms and Potatoes with Thyme

Creamy Garlic Mushrooms and Potatoes with Thyme – easy side dish that will go well with many types of main courses: chicken, pork, or beef!

Creamy Garlic Mushrooms, Creamy Mushroom Sauce Recipe

This is one of those recipes that is great to have in your collection when you want a basic but comforting side dish for grilled steaks, pork chops, grilled or roasted chicken, or lamb. It’s very simple: just creamy garlic mushrooms and potatoes coated in a basic cream sauce with lots of thyme!

easy mushrooms, how to cook mushrooms

Use the smallest, tiniest potatoes you can find in a grocery store.  I used one bunch of three color potatoes (16 oz total).   I didn’t even have to slice any of my potatoes in half, since they were already small.   Colorful potatoes + mushrooms sliced in half look great as a side dish!

how to cook mushrooms, how to make creamy potatoes

What really adds a ton of flavor to these creamy garlic mushrooms and potatoes is fresh thyme.  It’s the best!
best creamy mushrooms, best creamy potatoes, creamy potato recipes

Here are some main courses that will go great with these creamy garlic mushrooms and potatoes:

Flank Steak with Chimichurri Sauce

Lamb Loin Chops with Garlic

Best Baked Chicken Thighs

Creamy Garlic Mushrooms and Potatoes with Thyme

Delicious creamy garlic mushrooms with potatoes and fresh thyme – smothered in an easy-to-make cream sauce!

  • 16 oz potatoes ((use small))
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 10 oz mushrooms ((each sliced in half))
  • 3 garlic cloves ((minced))
  • 1/4 teaspoon table salt
  • 1 cup chicken stock
  • 1/2 cup heavy whipping cream
  • 3 tablespoons fresh thyme
  1. Use small potatoes.  Slice larger potatoes in half.  Add potatoes to a large pot with water, bring to boil, and cook for 15-20 minutes until the potatoes are cooked through.  Drain.

  2. While the potatoes are being cooked, in a large skillet, heat 2 tablespoons olive oil on medium heat.  Add mushrooms and minced garlic, sprinkle with salt, and cook, occasionally stirring, for about 4 minutes.

  3. Add chicken stock to the skillet with mushrooms, bring to boil, reduce heat to medium-low and cook, covered, for 15 minutes.  Then, turn the heat up to high and cook, uncovered, for about 5 minutes, until the chicken stock is reduced by half.

  4. Add cooked and drained potatoes to the skillet with mushrooms.  Add heavy cream and fresh thyme.   Cook on high heat, stirring for about 2-4 minutes until the sauce reduces and thickens and starts to coat the mushrooms and potatoes.

  5. Remove from heat.  Add more salt, if needed.  Let the skillet cool off for about 10 minutes which will further thicken the sauce.  Stir everything again. Top with extra fresh thyme and serve!

The post Creamy Garlic Mushrooms and Potatoes with Thyme appeared first on Julia's Album.

from Julia's Album

35 Minute Indoor Running Cardio HIIT Workout - At Home Jogging Pure Cardio Workout // MX500 #26

from Millionaire Hoy

Easy Chicken Legs with Creamy Mushroom Sauce

Easy Chicken Legs with Creamy Mushroom Sauce – delicious, easy recipe that uses just a few simple ingredients. A perfect weeknight dinner!

Easy Chicken Legs Recipes, best chicken legs

The sauce I made for these easy chicken legs is so good – you will have a hard time keeping yourself away from it.  I made the sauce by simmering everything in one skillet: mushrooms, garlic, chicken legs, chicken stock, and then adding heavy cream at the very end.  And, of course, make sure to add just the right amount of salt and pepper.

creamy chicken legs

It’s been a long time since I cooked whole chicken legs last time. In fact, I think it’s been years.  I am so glad I finally made something with them – this easy chicken legs recipe is one of the best ways I ever cooked chicken.   So juicy!   And, you’ll love creamy mushrooms, too!

What is chicken legs, by the way?

Chicken legs are often confused with chicken drumsticks, while in fact whole chicken legs are the combination of BOTH drumstick and thigh.  Chicken legs are pretty large.  For example, these 3 chicken legs in the photo are total 2 lb in weight:

Easy Chicken Legs recipes, quick chicken legs, chicken legs dinner

This recipe is perfect for those days when you are busy and want something quick, yet delicious and nice looking – try these easy chicken legs with creamy mushroom sauce and you’ll love it!

cooking chicken legs, chicken recipes easy

I used regular white mushrooms, sliced in half and cooked with minced garlic in olive oil:

mushrooms cooked with garlic

Here are a few photos showing you how to cook chicken legs in a skillet on stove top.  First, coat the chicken in flour mixture (flour, salt and pepper):

coat chicken legs with flour mixture

Next, brown chicken legs on high-medium heat in olive oil:

fry chicken legs in a skillet

Then, remove chicken legs from the skillet, add mushrooms and garlic and cook for a couple of minutes:

cook mushrooms and garlic in a skillet

Next, add chicken stock, add chicken legs back, add extra salt, cover and cook for 25-30 minutes until chicken legs are completely cooked through.

add chicken stock to mushrooms and chicken legs, easy chicken legs recipes

Finally, remove the chicken from the skillet, make the cream sauce by adding heavy cream, add the chicken back, and your easy chicken legs are ready!

easy way to cook chicken legs

 If you love chicken and mushroom combination, you might enjoy these 2 recipes:

Chicken Thighs with Mushroom Rice

Chicken Thighs with Creamy Bacon Mushroom Thyme Sauce

Easy Chicken Legs with Creamy Mushroom Sauce

If you want an easy recipe with just a few ingredients that tastes really good and looks fabulous – look no further and try these Easy Chicken Legs with Creamy Mushroom Sauce. 

  • 1/4 cup flour ((you can use gluten free flour))
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 2 lb chicken legs ((about 3-4 large chicken legs))
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 10 oz mushrooms ((each sliced in half))
  • 3 garlic cloves (minced)
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil ((if needed))
  • 1 cup chicken stock
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  1. In a small bowl, combine the flour, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper.   On a large plate, dredge chicken legs in this seasoned flour mixture.

  2. Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a large skillet on medium-high heat.  Add chicken legs skin side down and brown for about 4 minutes until the skin turn nice golden color.  Flip chicken legs over to the other side and brown the other side for about 3 minutes.  Remove browned chicken legs and set aside. Also remove those parts of olive oil that got too dark from browning the chicken with flour mixture.   

  3. To the same, now empty skillet, add mushrooms (sliced in half) and minced garlic, add extra tablespoon of olive oil (if needed) and saute them together on medium heat for 2 minutes.  

  4. Add chicken stock to the skillet, scraping up the browned bits at the bottom of the pan.  Add 1/4 teaspoon of salt and stir. 

  5. Place chicken legs back in the pan.

  6. Bring the chicken stock to boil, cover and reduce heat to simmer on low-medium.  Simmer chicken legs for 25-30 minutes, until the chicken is completely cooked through and the juices run clear when chicken is cut in the middle. 

  7. Remove the cooked chicken legs to a plate and keep warm.

  8. Turn heat under skillet to medium-high, and simmer the mushroom sauce for about 4 minutes until it is reduced by about a third.  Stir in the 1/2 cup heavy cream into the mushroom sauce and simmer for another 2 minutes on low-medium heat, constantly stirring and scraping from the bottom of the skillet, until the sauce gets thicker.  

  9. Add chicken legs back to the skillet to warm them up.  Serve

The post Easy Chicken Legs with Creamy Mushroom Sauce appeared first on Julia's Album.

from Julia's Album

Southwest Chicken and Black Bean Salad

This Southwest Chicken and Black Bean Salad is bursting with flavor, thanks to crisp and colorful bell peppers, shredded cheddar cheese, succulent grilled chicken, black beans that marinate in dressing. Packing salad in Mason jars is a handy trick for avoiding soggy salads at the office. It makes meal prep a breeze, and because the layers keep ingredients separate, these jars can keep fresh for days. With a lunch like this one, you definitely won’t be tempted by the greasy cafeteria or the fast food drive-thru.

When packing this black bean salad into your jars, the general rule of thumb is to put your wettest ingredients at the bottom of the jar, followed by the heavier ingredients. This includes things like dressing and beans. If you’re storing the jars over a number of days, it’s best to add any perishable proteins as close to the day-of as possible. So make sure you leave room in the jar for the grilled chicken or another protein source. Before eating, pour the salad out into a bowl and toss to combine the ingredients and distribute the dressing.

Southwest Chicken and Black Bean Salad

Goodbye, sad salad. This vibrant Southwest Chicken and Black Bean Salad is bursting with flavor, makes meal prep a breeze, and stays fresh for days

  • 3 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar
  • 2 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice
  • ½ tsp. lemon pepper
  • 4 tsp. extra-virgin olive oil
  • 2 cups black beans (drained, rinsed)
  • 3 cups sliced orange bell peppers
  • 3 cups sliced red bell peppers
  • 1 cup thinly sliced red onion
  • 2 cups chopped tomatoes
  • 3 cups sliced grilled chicken breast
  • ½ cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese
  • 1 cup chopped fresh cilantro
  1. To make dressing, combine vinegar, lemon juice, and lemon pepper in a medium bowl; whisk to blend.

  2. Slowly add oil while whisking; mix well. Evenly divide dressing between 4 one-quart Mason jars. Set aside.

  3. Evenly layer beans, bell peppers, onion, tomatoes, chicken, cheese, and cilantro on top of dressing in jars. 

  4. Serve immediately or cover and refrigerate for up to 3 days. Shake before serving. 

The Nutrition Facts box below provides estimated nutritional information for this recipe.

This Southwest Chicken and Black Bean Salad is bursting with flavor, thanks to black beans, crisp bell peppers, shredded cheddar cheese and grilled chicken.

This Southwest Chicken and Black Bean Salad is bursting with flavor, thanks to black beans, crisp bell peppers, shredded cheddar cheese and grilled chicken.

P90X/P90X2 Portions
½ Dairy
1½ Protein
½ Tuber/Legume Carb
2½ Vegetable

P90X3 Portions
2½ Carb
1½ Protein
2 Fat

Body Beast Portions
1 Legume
5 Vegetable
2 Fat
2½ Protein

Portion Fix Containers
1½ Green
1½ Yellow
1 Red
½ Blue
1 tsp.

Not familiar with Portion Fix? Find out how Portion Fix can make losing weight simple.

If you have questions about the portions, please click here to post a question in our forums so our experts can help. Please include a link to the recipe.

Southwest Chicken and Black Bean Salad Recipe, mason jar salad, salad recipe

from The Beachbody Blog

35 Minute Home HIIT Workout with Dumbbells - Cardio Workout with Weights // MX500 #25

from Millionaire Hoy

Conoce el Plan de Nutrición de SHIFT SHOP

“Le doy tanta importancia a la dieta como al ejercicio. Para la mayoría de la gente, la dieta es un gran impedimento. Por eso, una vez que logran superarlo y controlar sus antojos por los carbohidratos, pueden hacer cualquier cosa que se propongan, hasta las rutinas más intensas.” – Chris Downing

Cuando Chris quiere estar en óptimo estado físico, se entrena como estuviera en un campo militar: con ejercicios intensos y una alimentación estricta. Por eso, tiene sentido que se pusiera algo riguroso con la dieta al crear SHIFT SHOP.

El plan Simple Shift implica una reducción moderada de las calorías y una dieta limpia; además de la eliminación gradual de los granos, las legumbres y algunos de los carbohidratos más pesados. De este modo, en la tercera semana, te ejercitas al máximo y sigues una dieta minimalista basada en el consumo de proteínas, diseñada para mantenerte en forma y bien alimentado. La mayoría de nosotros solemos “vivir para comer;” con Simple Shift, aprenderás a “comer para vivir.”

¡Y no te preocupes! No es para nada una mala noticia. Seguirás obteniendo todos los nutrientes que necesitas como combustible para hacer tus rutinas y desarrollar tus músculos, incluso podrás consumir Shakeology para complementar tus objetivos de nutrición y ayudarte a protegerte de cualquier antojo de comidas que no formen parte del plan. “La idea es lograr superar los antojos poco saludables,” explica Chris, “y darle al cuerpo lo que verdaderamente necesita para alcanzar su máximo potencial.”

Cómo Funciona el Plan de Nutrición Shift Shop

El plan Simple Shift es muy claro y fácil de entender: haces una prueba rápida para descubrir tu nivel de calorías, lo que te permite determinar cuál es el plan que te corresponde, en base al cual sabrás cuánto comer de distintas lista de alimentos codificados por colores.

Aunque Simple Shift no es estrictamente un programa de Portion Fix, funciona perfectamente con el sistema de recipientes para el control de las porciones de Beachbody, si es que ya lo tienes. Si no lo tienes, te recomendamos fuertemente que lo adquieras, ya que te ayudará a entender y seguir Simple Shift con mucha más facilidad.

SEMANA 1: en la primera semana, te encontrarás con un balance convencional de macronutrientes, con una cantidad moderada de almidones y legumbres (frijoles y chícharos).

SEMANA 2: durante la segunda semana, reducirás la ingesta de almidones y aumentarás la de proteínas.

SEMANA 3: en la última semana, las cosas se ponen serias. No consumirás ningún tipo de almidón ni legumbres, por lo que todos tus carbohidratos provendrán de vegetales y frutas. Y les tendrás que decir adiós a las comidas reconfortantes.

No Es una Dieta Baja en Carbohidratos

Ten en mente que el plan de nutrición SHIFT SHOP no es una dieta baja en carbohidratos. Al comienzo del programa, los carbohidratos representan un 40 % de la dieta diaria, y se reducen a un 30 % para la tercera semana.

Tampoco es una dieta cetogénica, en la cual los carbohidratos se reducen a un 10 %. Las dietas cetogénicas también implican disminuir el consumo de proteínas para forzar al cuerpo a usar las grasas almacenadas. Como la proteína es muy importante para ayudar a que tus músculos se recuperen y se desarrollen, SHIFT SHOP no busca reducir su consumo.
Si tuviéramos que comparar Simple Shift con alguna de las dietas de moda, se podría pensar en la dieta paleo, debido a la eliminación progresiva de los granos y legumbres. La diferencia es que, en Simple Shift, no se incluyen productos lácteos; sin embargo, gracias a la gran cantidad de opciones disponibles en la lista de alimentos con proteína, no es ningún problema dejar estos productos de lado.

La nutrición de Simple Shift es muy consistente, y fue pensada para ayudarte a ver los resultados que esperas y maximizar tu rendimiento. Sin embargo, el verdadero objetivo de este plan de nutrición es mantenerte motivado. Es un plan desafiante —o un camino a recorrer, según Chris— pensado especialmente para inspirarte a superar tus propios límites y transformarte a ti mismo. Y tú… ¿estás listo para hacer el cambio?

Chris está seguro de que lo estás.

from The Beachbody Blog

11 Beneficios de SHIFT SHOP: Pierde Peso, Desarrolla Músculos, y Más

¿Quieres llevar tu salud al mejor nivel? Chris Downing, el superentrenador de Beachbody, puede ayudarte a lograrlo. Chris es el creador de SHIFT SHOP, un programa lleno de rutinas de alta intensidad y un plan de nutrición específica que te ayudará a obtener resultados increíbles en tan solo tres semanas. SHIFT SHOP tiene muchos beneficios, pero lo mejor de todo es que está diseñado para las personas que quieren cuidar su salud, sin importar edad, peso, o nivel de fitness.

“Si tu objetivo es la pérdida de peso, este programa es para ti. Si lo que quieres es mejorar tu rendimiento atlético, este programa también es para ti,” dice Elanit Friedman, directora de bienestar y fitness en Beachbody. “[Y] si eres nuevo en el tema, puedes seguir la versión modificada de cada una de las rutinas.”


Es un programa gradual de fitness que incluye rutinas de fuerza y cardio, además de un plan de nutrición fácil de seguir.

Con el método gradual, las rutinas se hacen más largas y retadoras con cada semana que pasa, y los ejercicios también se vuelven más complejos, explica Friedman. “Puedes obtener mejores resultados y evitar estancarte si aumentas regularmente la duración de las rutinas y cambias el movimiento del cuerpo”, afirma. La estrategia ayuda también a los principiantes a empezar el programa, mientras que sigue siendo un reto para los que van más avanzados.

Otra función que hace diferente a SHIFT SHOP de los otros programas son sus indicadores de agilidad, cuatro almohadillas hexagonales de colores que sirven como metas direccionales durante las rutinas de cardio. Cuando te ejercitas de forma intensa durante tres semanas, seguro vas a querer la mejor alimentación para tu cuerpo, así que el programa incluye también un plan de nutrición integral para maximizar los resultados.

“Este es un programa funcional de fitness selecto pensado para uso de todos,” comenta Friedman. En otras palabras, es un programa que funciona para los atletas avanzados, exatletas, personas promedio que van al gimnasio, o novatos del fitness. Estos son los beneficios que te esperan al completar el programa SHIFT SHOP.

11 Beneficios de SHIFT SHOP

1. Mejor atletismo

Según Downing, uno de los principales beneficios de SHIFT SHOP es lo mucho que apoya en el entrenamiento deportivo. “Esto se debe a que muchos de los deportes incluyen movimientos de velocidad y agilidad, así como movimientos explosivos como los ejercicios pliométricos,” explica.

Friedman está de acuerdo: “Además de desarrollar el rendimiento cardiovascular, cada formación que haces [con los indicadores de agilidad] obliga a que tu mente y cuerpo trabajen juntos y reaccionen en consecuencia,” dice. “SHIFT SHOP te preparará para tu deporte, ya sea fútbol americano, básquetbol, atletismo o boxeo. Te sentirás más rápido y más fuerte, y estarás listo mentalmente.”

2. Mejor coordinación

Cada deporte requiere de un cierto grado de coordinación, pero algunos de ellos exigen una biomecánica eficiente, como el fútbol americano, fútbol, tenis o boxeo, en los cuales la coordinación es un factor clave. SHIFT SHOP incluye muchos ejercicios que ayudan a perfeccionar esta habilidad, como los Cross Jacks (una versión más complicada de los Jumping Jacks).

En este movimiento, que se encuentra en Speed: 35, tienes que saltar entre tres de los indicadores de agilidad, cruzando tus pies cada vez que saltas entre ellos. Este reto con tu mente y el movimiento de los pies lo convierte en un excelente ejercicio que mejora la coordinación, afirma Downing.

11 Benefits of SHIFT SHOP

3. Mejor agilidad

Además de probar tu coordinación, las rutinas de cardio de SHIFT SHOP ponen tu agilidad a prueba con los llamados indicadores de agilidad. Downing da una orden durante ciertos ejercicios, en donde te pide que toques un indicador en específico al correr, rotar o saltar sobre este. Esto te ayuda a agudizar tus reflejos, así como la velocidad y la potencia multidireccional.

Uno de los ejercicios de agilidad de este programa es el Lateral Slide, incluido en Speed: 35. “La base de este movimiento es mantenerte bajo, moverte en los metatarsos de los pies, y prepararte para hacer cambios rápidos de dirección,” detalla Friedman. Imagínate en una posición agachada, con las piernas abiertas y las rodillas flexionadas, mientras cambias de un indicador al otro. Cuando Chris te indica “cambio”, tocas un indicador y cambias de dirección.

4. Mayor resistencia

La naturaleza del programa SHIFT SHOP, que alterna a lo largo de la semana entre el cardio de alta intensidad y los ejercicios de fuerza, fue creado para desarrollar la resistencia cardiovascular y muscular. Tienes que hacer acopio de estos dos tipos de resistencia para repetir los ejercicios por hasta 60 segundos y lograr superar la ronda.

Fast Fences está en Speed: 45, y es ejemplo perfecto de un movimiento de resistencia retador. “Coloca en línea los indicadores de agilidad y salta de forma lateral sobre cada uno de ellos, levantando los pies lo suficiente como para superar una valla imaginaria, mientras agitas tus brazos para mantener el impulso,” indica Friedman. “Estos ejercicios se usan mucho en los entrenamientos de fútbol y fútbol americano,” explica. Un minuto de este movimiento es suficiente para poner a prueba la resistencia de cualquier persona.

5. Tiempo de reacción más rápido

Muchos de los ejercicios de SHIFT SHOP están dirigidos a mejorar el tiempo de reacción, algo muy útil en deportes como el tenis, béisbol, básquetbol, fútbol y las carreras de velocidad.

Echa un vistazo a Chop Shop, de Speed: 35. Mientras estás de pie en el centro de un triángulo (con esquinas de colores diferentes), levanta las rodillas y los brazos tan rápido como puedas. Cuando Downing menciona un color, tienes que darte la vuelta rápidamente hacia el indicador, volver al centro, y continuar con el levantamiento de rodillas. Esta es una prueba física y mental que reta tu habilidad para interpretar con rapidez lo que escuchas y la forma en que te mueves.

6. Desarrollo muscular

“El componente de fuerza en SHIFT SHOP aprovecha cada grupo muscular para ayudarte a desarrollar los músculos y ganar fuerza,” dice Friedman. Los ejercicios de fuerza son sencillos al principio, y aumentan de forma gradual su dificultad y complejidad según pasan las semanas. Downing te asesora todo el tiempo sobre cuál es la postura correcta, algo clave para lograr resultados, y te explica a detalle los beneficios de cada ejercicio y las áreas en las que se enfoca.

11 Benefits of SHIFT SHOP

7. Músculos del torso más fuertes

SHIFT SHOP se enfoca en todo momento en los músculos del torso. La fortaleza de los músculos del torso es importantísima en deportes como el surf, la gimnasia, el voleibol, el fútbol, la natación y las carreras, pero es además un aspecto importante del fitness en general. “Tener fuerza en los músculos del torso te beneficia en todo lo que haces,” comenta Friedman, es decir, te ayuda al caminar, al levantar las bolsas del supermercado y a lograr una postura correcta.

De acuerdo a Friedman, Bear Dog es uno de los muchos ejercicios que ayudan a fortalecer los músculos del torso en SHIFT SHOP. Comienza en una posición de oso, con tus manos bajo los hombros y las rodillas flexionadas en un ángulo de 90 grados por debajo de tus caderas (no dejes que toquen el suelo). Levanta el brazo derecho y la pierna izquierda, y mantén la posición durante un segundo. Baja y repite, en esta ocasión levanta el brazo izquierdo y la pierna derecha. Cambia de lado en cada repetición. Si no puedes imaginar el movimiento, piensa en la postura clásica de mesa en yoga, pero modificada de forma tal que tus rodillas no toquen el suelo.

8. Mayor fuerza mental

Además de los resultados físicos que verás con SHIFT SHOP, descubrirás una nueva sensación de fortaleza mental, gracias en parte al enfoque motivacional y energético de Downing hacia el entrenamiento. “Si quieres un reto, Chris Downing te llamará y te retará al máximo,” afirma Friedman.

Con solo tres semanas de Shift Shop se genera un cambio mental asombroso. “Aprenderás sobre disciplina, te impulsarás a ir más allá de límites que nunca pensaste [que podrías alcanzar], y, al final de todo, te sentirás increíble, tanto física como mentalmente,” dice Friedman.

9. Hábitos de alimentación más saludables

El plan de nutrición de SHIFT SHOP contribuye a lograr una combinación equilibrada de proteína magra, vegetales y grasas saludables, y ayuda a eliminar de forma gradual de tu dieta los carbohidratos provenientes de almidones, según explica Paige Benté, M.S., R.D. Dice que en la primera semana se incluye una lista restringida de carbohidratos provenientes de almidones, enfocada en las legumbres y los tubérculos (es decir, frijoles y papas). En la segunda semana se eliminan las legumbres, y al llegar a la tercera semana se quitan todos los carbohidratos provenientes de almidones. Esto te ayuda a adelgazar, al disminuir tus reservas de glucógeno.

No solo tienes los beneficios físicos de nutrir a tu cuerpo con alimentos integrales, sino que también aprendes muchas cosas. Pasar tres semanas en un plan de alimentación que da prioridad a los vegetales y la proteína puede ayudarte a entender mejor cómo reacciona tu cuerpo ante los carbohidratos provenientes de almidones, y a reeducar la forma en que piensa tu cerebro acerca de los carbohidratos. “Si bien [los carbohidratos] son una parte muy importante de la alimentación, muchas personas dependen demasiado de estos,” explica Benté. Uno de los muchos beneficios de SHIFT SHOP es que te ayuda a cambiar tu mentalidad y depender menos de los carbohidratos y las comidas reconfortantes, para enfocarte más en los vegetales y la proteína magra como combustible para el cuerpo.

11 Benefits of SHIFT SHOP

10. Pérdida de peso

Un efecto secundario agradable de SHIFT SHOP es que puede ayudarte a adelgazar. “SHIFT SHOP se diseñó con un equilibrio de entrenamiento de fortalecimiento y cardio, para alcanzar la quema calórica más eficiente que brinde los máximos resultados,” comenta Friedman. “Tu nutrición aumenta conforme se incrementa el nivel de las rutinas.”

El plan de alimentación de SHIFT SHOP te ayuda a desintoxicarte de los carbohidratos provenientes de almidones (que en ocasiones la gente consume en exceso) y a duplicar la ingesta de proteína magra y vegetales. Esto le da a tu cuerpo el tipo de comida que requiere, y elimina los alimentos menos beneficiosos que normalmente bloquean la pérdida de peso. Al finalizar las tres semanas comerás más de forma saludable, lo que representa una pieza clave para alcanzar los máximos resultados en la pérdida de peso. ¡Mira cómo perdieron peso estas personas y transformaron su cuerpo!

11. Comodidad

Otro beneficio de SHIFT SHOP es su facilidad para ajustarse a tu horario, sin importar qué tan ocupado estés. Cada rutina toma apenas de 25 a 45 minutos, y puedes completarla en cualquier momento desde la comodidad de tu casa. Así es, no perderás tiempo en conducir para llegar al gimnasio.

El plan de nutrición es también fácil de seguir: no necesitas de equipo especial para cocinar y los ingredientes son sencillos y fáciles de conseguir. En SHIFT SHOP la nutrición es simple: no tienes que dedicar tu tiempo a preparar las comidas ni buscar alimentos desconocidos.

Para comenzar el cambio, puedes adquirir el programa SHIFT SHOP en DVD o inscribirte a Beachbody On Demand, con lo que podrás seguir las rutinas en línea desde cualquier dispositivo con conexión wifi. Además, con tu membresía tienes acceso a FIXATE, el programa de cocina número uno de Beachbody, así como a 45 programas exclusivos de nutrición y fitness creados por los mejores entrenadores.

from The Beachbody Blog