
Transformation Tuesday: Lisa Lost 39.5 Pounds with 21 Day Fix EXTREME

After having her first child, Lisa H. wanted to become a fit and healthy mom. She began 21 Day Fix EXTREME, and lost 39.5 pounds after 8 rounds! Read on for her story in her own words:

“I saw an old friend (who then became my coach) post about a 21 Day Fix challenge group. I had a newborn at home and was so disgusted with myself, I knew this was my chance to make a change.

I had let myself go after my pregnancy. I was a mess postpartum. Pre-pregnancy, I was running and going to the gym. Post-pregnancy, I basically gave up. I was eating whatever I wanted because it seemed to make me feel better. Even when I thought I was eating healthy, I soon learned that I wasn’t.

My goal was to lose some of the weight I had gained during my pregnancy. I wasn’t able to even lift my son out of the bathtub without holding onto something, and even then, it was tough. I wanted to be able to become a fit and healthy mom!

The beginning was tough. I was out of shape and embarrassed at the way I looked! But I started to notice small changes after every week- I was becoming happier. More clothes were starting to fit. I was becoming more confident. I soon needed all new bras and workout pants, as I had to hold them up to workout!

I loved that the workouts are only 30 minutes. It was perfect to do at home, while my son slept soundly in his crib. I didn’t have to find a babysitter and drive to a gym, and I kept the baby monitor right next to the TV- talk about extra motivation! 🙂 I like the combination of all of the types of workouts- cardio, plyometrics, pilates, yoga, upper, lower… I had never used a combination of all of these before starting 21 Day Fix EXTREME and I am so thankful I chose this program to start! I also found it very motivational, and loved that there was a modifier to follow during the very tough times in the beginning!

I loved working out with Autumn! I think I have every motivational quote she uses during the workouts memorized! It was easy to relate to her, being a mom herself. She helped me throw all of my excuses out the window, and let me know that despite what people say about not being able to shape a certain part of your body, (especially after a c-section!), you can do anything with hard work and dedication!

I reached my goal! It was an amazing feeling. I felt like a totally different person than when I began my journey! My goal was to lose all of the weight I had gained and get back to my pre-pregnancy weight, and I surpassed that goal and lost an extra 10 pounds! I celebrated by buying myself my first pair of size 6 jeans, along with an entire new wardrobe! I bought a new weight bench and started buying new pieces for my at-home workout space!

It’s a year later and I am still hearing compliments! People can see how truly happy and confident I am, and that makes me really happy. One of my favorites was when in September when the custodian at my school asked me where I went. I said, ‘Oh, I went to Nashville this summer.’ He said, ‘I’m not talking about vacation- I’m asking where the other half of you went!'”

You can change your life, too. Take the Beachbody Challenge for the tools you need to Decide, Commit, and Succeed! Complete any Beachbody program, and enter your results for a free gift and a chance to win cash and prizes. What program are you committing to next?

from The Beachbody Blog


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