
See the 2B Mindset Results!

You’ve met Ilana Muhlstein, R.D., the creator of Beachbody’s newest nutrition program, 2B Mindset.

As a registered dietitian, Ilana talks the talk, but she’s also walked the walk: After years of gaining weight, then losing weight, then gaining it all back, Ilana changed her mindset and lost 100 pounds — and has kept it off.

Now it’s time to meet the people who followed Ilana’s program and changed their relationship with food, the scale, and more importantly, with themselves. (Oh, and as a group, they lost more than 200 pounds!)

2B Mindset Before and After

Saudi A. Lost 31 Pounds

Over several months, Saudi completely transformed herself emotionally and physically: She lost 31 pounds in 22 weeks with 2B Mindset!

“The biggest change for me has been my mental attitude. I learned to change the things in my life that have made me gain weight in the past,” she says. “I make better decisions because of it and I now I understand how my body responds to certain foods.”

“I feel more confident, my clothes fit better, I smile more, I feel more social. I take more leadership and initiative with work. I’m more motivated to improve other aspects of my life. I look forward to meeting with old friends because I’m in control. I get more enjoyment and less guilt about eating,” says Saudi.

2B Mindset Before and After

Micki F. Lost 26 Pounds

Micki was tired of using the excuse that turning 50 had slowed down her metabolism. She had gained 30 pounds and didn’t feel comfortable in her own skin. “I was making poor eating choices and needed to take ownership, she says.

In 22 weeks, Micki lost 26 pounds! “I no longer stress out if I see a pound or two increase on the scale, because I know exactly what needs to be done to reverse it.”

“The most valuable lesson I learned from this program was learning the role of each food category. It finally clicked why we eat certain foods at certain times and the effect it has on our weight loss,” she explains. “This is the LAST weight-loss program you will ever be on because this program WORKS and you are NOT deprived of anything!!!”

2B Mindset Before and After

Nathaniel G. Lost 35 Pounds

Nathaniel’s main motivation was to improve his health and gain a better understanding of how to eat more efficiently. “I was sluggish and with the extra weight, my lower back was taking a hit as well as my knees. I do believe that the extra weight and bad habits had a negative impact on how I felt about myself,” he says.

But in 22 weeks, he lost 35 pounds! “I would absolutely recommend this program. It will teach you how to balance yourself and know the difference between eating to live versus living to eat.”

“Seeing what I was eating on a daily basis and how I felt after was very helpful. I noticed that I could consume less and still feel satisfied,” Nathaniel says. “I have more energy and my self-image has improved. This new lifestyle and change keeps me motivated.”

2B Mindset Before and After

Jennifer L. Lost 24 Pounds

Jennifer needed a change and to learn more about health and nutrition. With 2B Mindset and Ilana’s guidance, she lost 24 pounds in 22 weeks! “I learned what makes me tick. How I would go to food out of emotions and not hunger. Stop dieting and change your mindset. With this program you will.”

2B Mindset Before and After

Sheryl M. Lost 35 Pounds

It was Sheryl New Year’s resolution to turn 50 and be the weight she was when she was 40. “I was embarrassed that I let myself go. I just gave up on myself because life was hard. I felt weak, lazy, and bored,” she says.

Fast-forward 15 weeks: Sheryl lost 35 pounds with 2B Mindset. “I thought that tracking my daily habits would be a pain. But I love it! I want to continue my new lifestyle with same energy that brought me to where I am now. It meant and means the world to be to be healthy and live life to the fullest. I feel like myself again — it isn’t just the way I look; it’s the feeling of power and control.”

“There is no ‘magic’ in the program. The magic comes from your drive to embrace the mindset,” says Jennifer.

2B Mindset Before and After

Lillian P. Lost 30 Pounds

Lillian was having a hard time losing her pregnancy weight when she started the program. “I was so unhappy with the way I looked. I lost sight of who I was and was so focused on those around me,” says Lillian. “I knew I needed to make a change. I wanted to be confident in pictures with my daughter and proud of the way I looked.”

After 22 weeks, she lost 30 pounds with 2B Mindset! “Ilana is fierce. Not only is she intelligent, funny, and kind, but she is determined to make sure we all lost weight happily.”

“Through journaling I was able to realize what worked well with my body and what didn’t. It helped me lose weight effectively. I could always go back to review what weight loss days looked like to replicate those days,” Lillian explains.

“I feel like I can never go back to the previous mindset I had. I am forever a more informed, knowledgeable, thoughtful, and happier eater.”

“I can’t imagine not eating and living my life this way. I have an awareness about the purpose of food, one that I never had before. This program will change the way you view food, your body, and lifestyle forever.”

2B Mindset Before and After

Mike S. Lost 38.5 Pounds

Mike was feeling unmotivated, and physically and mentally tired before starting the program. But in 15 weeks, he lost 38.5 pounds! “I feel great. Everything has changed. I feel more confident than ever. I exercise regularly,” he says.

“What can I say about Ilana? She rocks! She is a breath of fresh air. Great motivator and her method flat out works. Very smart program and a very smart lady. Very simple.”

Find a new, positive outlook health and nutrition with Ilana Muhlstein’s 2B Mindset and finally be the change that you want to see in your life.

from The Beachbody Blog


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